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How to deal with hate comments on twitter? - Printable Version

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How to deal with hate comments on twitter? - Aloelle - 03-24-2014 04:57 PM

I have an Ariana Grande fan twitter account with quite a lot of followers (5 thousand). Earlier on today I was having a rant about Justin Bieber and his behaviour and how he's a danger to society, a brat, needs help, etc. I did it because I'm a person who has been affected by drink driving before and I feel extremely strongly about the subject. Before I knew it there were HUNDREDS of JB fans in my mentions, telling me to die, calling Ariana a wh*re, and calling ME one. Worst of all they were calling me ugly. My link on my profile on twitter is to my tumblr where there are pictures of me, and some of them were even tweeting the pictures and mocking me. I've always been really insecure about my looks and even though they're just pathetic kids on the internet it still really got to me. I deleted my account because of the hate half an hour ago.

I just can't believe that people would say such vile things online. If you can't handle somebody's opinion about a singer who you don't even know, how will you survive in the real word?

What should I do about it? I feel so scared and upset Sad

- Wardah - 03-24-2014 05:02 PM

Dont listen to any of it bc ur better than that. People that hate on you have nothing better to do. Stay strong, your worth a lot. Dont believe any of that bullshit

- Jordan - 03-24-2014 05:06 PM

Honestly, they're internet trolls. If they really supported Justin they'd support other peoples opinions. Just click on the block button, or make your account private Smile

- ♥Rachel♥ - 03-24-2014 05:15 PM

You just have to try to ignore them. Those people just want to see you get upset and hurt. You letting them get to you is what they want. By ignoring them and not let it get to you shows your the bigger person and they will eventually leave you alone.

On the internet people can say what they want , hide behind a computer and hide who they are. In real life i doubt they would really say those things.

you don't know these people in real life so i wouldn't worry so much about it since it seems they don't have anything else to do than bully people. Just best to ignore what they say and show that your the bigger person and more mature.

- Altivia - 03-24-2014 05:21 PM

delete account

- ♥(Tiki) - 03-24-2014 05:26 PM

Ignore them. tweet a general statement about how everyone is entitled to their own opinion and ignore their rabid comments.

- chubbyLeader512 - 03-24-2014 05:35 PM

Ouch...that hurts me a lot and makes me quiet sad.
I suggest you just ignore them completely, they are just bunch of an asshole who have no lives, better things to do than insulting celebrities for no reason, and they probably won't have respect for anyone, this is so hard and pressuring, but they are hundreds, there is no way you can win that one

Imo if they really said those to you, they don't deserve to be believer, you know why?One time in the interview Ariana was actually "DEFENDING" Justin saying he's just a kid, he's actually good hearted and he is just making bad decision. She was being sweetheart defending celeb such as Miley and Justin and they called Ari whore?! What a bunch of fags! I wanna know what she've done wrong to them. If Justin hear this I'm so sure he will lose all the respect for his fans, cause Justin and Ari are actually friends

If there was one most amazing person in the world, it's Ariana!