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British people, what do you think about imigration levels in the uk? - Printable Version

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British people, what do you think about imigration levels in the uk? - Amy - 03-24-2014 04:57 PM

- pmt853 - 03-24-2014 05:01 PM

That would be "immigration" and "UK". I like my country and my language.

- RR - 03-24-2014 05:02 PM

There has been too much unregulated immigration. Many dubious characters have settled here. Certain types of crime that were unknown a few years ago have become commonplace.

However, most immigrants bring something positive.

- David S - 03-24-2014 05:05 PM

I think there is a lot of hysteria and racism connected with the Immigration issue, whipped up by MPs and the media. it is creating an atmosphere that corresponds with the accounts of Nazi Germany in the early 1930s related by my late parents. It is all very convenient for politicians since it masks all the real problems like companies which pay no Corporation Tax
on their profits, while paying such low wages that their employees must be subsidised by state benefits and tax credits; crime and anti social behaviour; poor health care endlessly reorganised without success; ecological meltdown which will be greatly worsened by Fracking. Lets get real people