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Why do some Parents not give their kids any Privacy? - Printable Version

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Why do some Parents not give their kids any Privacy? - Fien - 03-24-2014 04:59 PM

There are some parents out there who:
Read their kids texts.
Ask them who they are texting.
Go through their Facebook account.
Sneak in to read their daughters diary.
Whenever a Room has to be shared its always with the kid.

I can go on and on. But what makes some Parents think they don't deserve any privacy?
How is a kid suppose to learn if you can't trust them?
Simply because they live under your roof that you pay for doesn't mean anything. If you had a friend stay with you coming from the other side of the world who would stay in your house, that doesn't mean you can start going through all his luggage and reading all of his stuff, etc.

Why is it?
I realise all parents don't do it, but I do know some that do?

- Amanda - 03-24-2014 05:01 PM

Think about all you hear about today's kids on the news. School shootings, parties with alcohol and drugs, drunk driving, beatings, teen pregnancy, rapes. And the parents always say "we had no idea," and thought they could trust their kids or that the kids were okay. My 19 year old cousin committed suicide, and no one knows why. He didn't seem depressed, his life was going well. You just don't know what is in someone's head, but parents can be held responsible for it. That said, I do allow my 15 year old daughter some privacy. I don't read her texts, emails or diary. I don't listen in on phone conversations. But I also keep tabs on where she is, who she is with, what they are doing. I make sure I know adults are there, or boys are not. I am lucky that we communicate and I know mostly what goes through her head. A lot of teens can't or won't communicate with parents, and vice versa. It's a parents job to keep your own kid safe, and also to make sure they do not become a danger to others. It's a hard job, and we all struggle to figure out what is best.

- Yyyy Bbbb - 03-24-2014 05:09 PM

parents are worried

- Nekkid Truth! - 03-24-2014 05:17 PM

kids are NOT entitled to any privacy!

Its not because you "live under their roof" either.. its because they are the PARENT.. they are your legal guardian, and they are responsible for you. You are a MINOR CHILD... you do not have "rights" to privacy.