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Gay relationship dream? - Printable Version

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Gay relationship dream? - Australia - 03-24-2014 05:00 PM

So last night I had this sort of like dream and I'm not sure what it meant and how I feel about it. So basically I slept like 10 hours uninterrupted and I can vaguely remember the dream and it goes something like this.

It was me who's about to turn 17 tomorrow Smile and in this dream there was this other guy who was the same age, he had blue short and blue shorts on and he has black glasses and short black hair and he was pretty skinny and just like a cute teen boy. Anyway so in this dream me and this guy both have girlfriends and our girlfriends were friends. After we all met up, both our girlfriends has said they were leaving us for these singers called "1 week" (weird band name) so they had left and it was me and this guy left in this shed type structure. So after a while our now ex girlfriends return and as they're coming towards us this guy sat on my lap and started kissing me and when the girls walked in he said we weren't interested and kept kissing me.

Now this was just a dream but like most dreams probably isn't nothing but I really felt it happening like I really liked the way this guy looked and I can just imagine kissing this guy now who I believe is someone from my year 8 classes who left but I think it's like a perfect description of him and I have him on social media and now when I see him I think of this dream and just think maybe it's more then a dream maybe more like a fantasy, I don't know I might be gay for wanting this but it's like it just seemed right in my dream like if it were to happen it would be a good thing.

I don't know, please leave anything about what you think.

Cheers everyone in advance.

- Biblical Scholar - 03-24-2014 05:04 PM

"Everone's a little gay. Ain't nothin wrong with bein' a little gay". Honey Boo Boo on her Uncle Poodle

- Kendrick - 03-24-2014 05:12 PM

this could be nothing or it could mean that you're just a little curious it doesn't mean that you're full on gay

- Joshua - 03-24-2014 05:21 PM

Dreams sometimes don't really mean anything at all. But sometimes they do reference people or situations in our lives. Since you said it reminds you of a guy that you know, you mat be having dreams about him. It is quite common to have dreams about someone that we like or find attractive.