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Which one is a better marketing technique for real estate? - Printable Version

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Which one is a better marketing technique for real estate? - phociny85 - 10-15-2012 08:14 PM

I'm selling a brand new and off the plan apartments in Sydney and what is the best marketing technique to capture buyers:

(ps. we cant advertise in websites due to an agreement with the developer)

1) Magazine Advetising
2) Letter box drop to resedential and commercial premises

What other technique is best?


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- Chuck - 10-15-2012 08:22 PM

Magazine advertising is too broad. It's better to buy a name list and use direct mail, such as postcards or fliers.

You can drop the letters off to the residential premises, but I still think direct mail is better.

On my website I explain why.

- ? - 10-15-2012 08:22 PM

The most effective marketing for any industry is one the uses referrals. Of those two I would suggest the letter campaign. Unless it's a local community magazine that is popular. We have something like that that everyone uses for the new up and coming people and events. There is a section called 'you should get to know'...I always read it. You might even suggest your local newspaper add a section like that. Most people want to network, they just don't know how.