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how can i become famous like justin bieber? - Printable Version

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how can i become famous like justin bieber? - Dayton Clarke - 03-24-2014 09:07 PM

im not the richest person, im not the best looking person, i have zero talent but plan to learn guitar soon. I just want to know how i can become famous like justin bieber

dont hate

- Metal_FTW - 03-24-2014 09:12 PM

By being a faq.

- 345saisinutE$ - 03-24-2014 09:25 PM

Get yourself "out there":
- Start a YouTube channel.
- Make a blog.
- Make a Facebook page
- Become famous on Twitter (by being funny and stuff)
- Post lots of good pics on Instagram (change your look and take good care of your body 'cause that's important)
- learn how to sing... Keep your options open (not just guitar)
- Look for record deals once you think you are ready to become famous. It not easy to get a record deal but if you are motivated and determined enough you will be able to. You just have to never give up. You must keep posting lots of videos and act like a star for a few years before you get noticed. But once a record company notices you, you become famous like Justin Beiber...
- you can also try your luck with some TV shows like the Xfactor (why not? Anything is possible, just make sure you're really good)

It's a lot of hard work and you must be ver patient. It is a very risky career to consider because many people fail or give up

Good luck! Smile

- Brennen - 03-24-2014 09:38 PM

Well you haven't mentioned how old you are, but without talent you aren't going to get famous. period. Justin is famous because he naturally can sing very well, and then he also took the initiative when he was really young to get better at singing, learn the drums, and learn guitar. So play on spending lots of time practicing if you want a chance to get famous.

The second part of getting famous is getting noticed by someone. make a youtube channel, post GOOD music that people want to listen to, and then tell everybody.

Also, you need to learn to write music. You can't get famous singing other people's songs.

- Sharanya Chander - 03-24-2014 09:43 PM

Get talent, then talk. You gotta start from the bottom, so don't think you can be like JB as soon as you dtake a few lessons. Build up a small audience with people you know, and post covers on Youtube. Eventually, if you've got the talent, someone will notice. But first, you need talent.

- tootall1121 - 03-24-2014 09:51 PM

Please don't. We don't need any more of that. Get some training, see if you have some real talent, please. IF you don't, please recognize that fact and don't go getting famous. All he's got is the ability to tease the tweeny girls into buying his shlock.

- Music123 - 03-24-2014 09:57 PM

Why do you want to be famous like JB? You could do better with just being yourself. I'm sure JB is being himself, that's why he is so famous.

- Dustin - 03-24-2014 09:59 PM

Suck ushers dick

- Cindy - 03-24-2014 10:10 PM

Work hard and accept that people will hate you if you rise up to fame cause they are jealous.