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How to acsess a saved cartoon avatar? - Printable Version

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How to acsess a saved cartoon avatar? - sykeeeees - 03-25-2014 02:19 AM

I made my own Y!A cartoon avatar a while ago, before they stopped supporting the cartoon avatars. It's saved and everything, and I want to make it my picture again. How do I do it? I've tried going to but it shows like 4 options, no photo, facebook, upload and the one I'm using now. Somebody help?

- Riki - 03-25-2014 02:29 AM

Assuming you saved it to your computer. Go below follow the instructions to upload it as your avatar.

- Jimmy - 03-25-2014 02:30 AM

I just changed my avatar and none of my previous avatars were there so I had to upload it again from my computer. I guess if I had not save it to my computer I would have to make it again.
If you want a custom avatar go to one of these sites and make a custom avatar, save it to your computer and upload it as a picture.…