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Which one do you like the best? Facebook or MySpace? - Printable Version

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Which one do you like the best? Facebook or MySpace? - Tonya W - 03-25-2014 02:28 AM

I find Facebook to be more interactive and entertaining.

- Tiara - 03-25-2014 02:40 AM

Both. Unfortunately I only have a Facebook.

- Keith H - 03-25-2014 02:54 AM

Facebook, Myspace is full of creepy emo boys and girls and thugs.Myspace hit its high point in the mid-2000's , 2004-2007*. I believe its dieing out myself. Facebook and Twitter have taken over.

- CitCat - 03-25-2014 02:56 AM

I honestly don't like either as it distracts me WAY too much.

But if I had to choose, Facebook. It's cleaner, safer, and a lot more interesting and fun to use.

- Jenny K - 03-25-2014 03:07 AM

i have both, i love facebook!

- jamaican babe - 03-25-2014 03:12 AM


- The Man - 03-25-2014 03:23 AM

i love these 1word answers

- 684 - 03-25-2014 03:35 AM

facebook. i think myspace is filled with too many pre-teens who think they're cool because ThEy TyPe LiKe ThIs and because they lie about their age.

- The Explorer - 03-25-2014 03:36 AM

I'm on Facebook because, after I left school, it's where most of my friends were and it was the logical choice for keeping in contact ... but I don't really like it. I don't have anything on it, actually - just a blank page with about a dozen friends.

As for MySpace, I've never tried it, so I can't comment.