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Do these senteces make sense? - Printable Version

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Do these senteces make sense? - bagus - 03-25-2014 04:17 AM

"i always take along to reply your message, yea cause my life isn't just on twitter or another social networking, and just thoug you should know that i never ignored you" someone correct this please

- Ben - 03-25-2014 04:28 AM

do you not know english or something?

- BassDrum754 - 03-25-2014 04:43 AM

"I always take a long time to reply to your message because I have a life. I don't spend as much time on twitter or other social networking sites as you do and I haven't been ignoring you. I just don't have to time to answer you."

- The Girl - 03-25-2014 04:57 AM

Yea, I do take a long time to answer you. Its because Im busy. My life isn't just on twitter or social networking. I just thought you should know that I'm not ignoring you."