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Why is he treating me like this? - Taylor - 03-25-2014 05:17 AM

Basically I did a really shady thing to my close guy friend/crush, Brody. My best friend and I used a fake facebook account to put him and his girlfriend against eachother. We messaged Brody and was like, "Your girlfriend Brook cheated on you." He found out that I was behind it, and hated me for it. We stopped being friends, and he made my life pretty miserable for two years. He spread a lot of rumors about me and talked a lot of crap about me to people. I felt super bad about it, but eventually I moved on with my life because I realized that I can't keep blaming myself, I was just kind of like, lesson learned. A few months ago, he came back into my life and started being a lot nicer to me, and never really talked about the situation that happened two years ago. I was like, awesome...It's in the past anyway, no reason in talking about it. About a month or two ago he brought up how I ruined his relationship and he just got really cocky about it. Honestly I thought it was funny at the time, and I was like 15 years old when I did what I did to him...I was immature and stupid. I didn't do it to intentionally hurt him, like he thinks I did. Anyway we got into a pretty heated argument about it, and that was my second time apologizing to him for what happened two years ago. Brody then apologized to me a couple of days later and we became friends again. He told me that he was "over it." We've hungout since then a whole bunch of times. Recently he's been really detached with me, and my ex boyfriend and him are like best friends now. Brody still says hi to me first at school, but doesn't act like we're friends anymore, and has just been acting really awkward. So today I saw him at school and I'm like, "When are we going to hang out, Brody?" He's like, "I don't know if my girlfriend would like that." He said it super cocky and arrogant. Then he told me he's back together with the girl I tried to break him up with, and apparently she really hates me, according to Brody, and he can't hangout with me, or be my friend anymore. He told me, "Taylor you put yourself in this position, you made your bed, now you have to lie in it." Then he was talking about how he can't call me or text me anymore because he has a girlfriend. He made me really sad, and then he saw me about to cry and he walked away Iooking really sad and he looked like he was about to cry. I feel like he should get over it, because I already apologized and it happened 2 years ago. I miss his friendship, but I feel like he doesn't trust me. Why is he treating me like this? What do I do? Feedback? Thanks.

- anon - 03-25-2014 05:32 AM

you have to earn his trust back and explain why you did it, and apologize to his girlfriend and if they dont forgive you, you should move on and accept it

- Dr. Stephanie - 03-25-2014 05:37 AM

You get back in life what you put out. Look at what you did. ~ Dr.S.

- Jacob - 03-25-2014 05:47 AM

you were a dick, he was a dick. you simply messed up a relationship of his for pretty much nothing more than a laugh and expected him to be fine with it. he on the other hand got back at you for two years which is a bit harsh. my suggestion is to confront apologize and see if he will just move on and then you can both go separate ways and be happy