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Cancer man: Why is he adding cute girls when he said he's in love with me? Should i worry? - Printable Version

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Cancer man: Why is he adding cute girls when he said he's in love with me? Should i worry? - R - 03-25-2014 05:11 PM

Or am i freaking out for no reason?

Because last year he found his best friend talking to this girl over facebook... he checked that girls profile and said she's really pretty and hope she isn't under aged for him. i wasn't worried about that but until y'day because he added that girl (im 100% sure he added her)

Would it be a good idea to ask him about that? he knows i'm the jealous type. why would a Cancer man add girls whilst he's in love.. is he losing interest in me already?
thanks for all the answers.. i also forgot to mention we're initiating a relationship

- horny4umoney - 03-25-2014 05:16 PM

Only you will know this, trust your gut feeling. You don't want to end up like other women who are naive to it and seem to turn a blind eye. Which I'm sure you won't by the sounds. To be fair, cancer can have or develop preoccupations with people without there being a sexual motive. Being cancer, maybe hes protective of his friend or doesn't want her to feel unwelcome. He could view what is a part of his friend is a part of him

- Real7777 - 03-25-2014 05:31 PM

Biologically man get "newness" interest once in few month and completely in 2 years.
After that real love.

- Bubbles - 03-25-2014 05:42 PM

It does sound like he's messing around. 2 of my bros, and my sister in law are of this sign. They add people to social media, or even live a double life at times. They pick a stable partner that makes them feel safe and secure. She's usually the goodie goodie type. It makes them feel safe, and it's kind of like a trophy for them (no offense i know you're not a trophy, but you have to think like he does). If you were or are a virgin to boot, and come from a good family he'll never want to let you go. He'll say that he loves you. BUT....

The cancer man suffers from a complex, usually in his youth. He perpetually is in love with the eternal Mother figure, hoping that he can build a strong foundation with her, but he will chase after the loose girls. They are eye candy at the very least to him. As he ages he will find out they are a bigger ego boost than the goodie goodie girl. Then they will usually marry the good girl, and fool around at the bar or work with a girl who literally is a complete tramp. He will completely talk smack about her, or them. He'll put you on a pedestal, but to your face he'll tear you down, making you feel like you are not good enough.

This is what the Cancer Man is like, when he's confused, when he rushed into things (common for cancer since they latch onto things...see possessiveness traits on other websites), when he feels neglected or uncomfortable. And sometimes just when he sees a pretty face. Not all of these men are like this, but a good majority haven't got their sh** together yet. It's up to you to weed out the liars and d bags. That is why you have to trust your gut feeling.

Even if you yourself are jealous/possessive (btw a cancer will try and manipulate you, try to make you feel like there is no grounds for your accusation-it's just a trick) if a guy is randomly adding only pretty women out of the blue, and it is out of character for him...i'd say he's up to something. Even if he's just fantasizing about them, and doesn't actually think he could get with them, that's still not fair to you. My best friend a virgo, had a cancer boyfriend once. He was always clinging to her, telling her he loved her, getting jealous of her talking to other people...blah blah blah....then one day I was out shopping and I saw him at the mall with some other girl, doing the exact same thing. He'd added her two weeks before on his fb, along with two random male friends. I think he was trying to cover his tracks. Turns out he had a few other flings on the side that we found out about after she broke it off with him. I hope this guy isn't planning on playing you like that.

Since a Cancer man will deny whatever accusations you point out, and he will turn them around on you, probably even break up with you and just say you were crazy/jealous/possessive....I wouldn't ask him about it. That's why he says you're the jealous type, because he's probably done stuff to p*ss you off before, and he's explained it all away by making you feel like you are wrong. Don't let him do that this time. Just keep an eye on him, keep an eye on his fb, and stay sweet. In a few weeks send those women messages and found out what he's really up to. If they aren't solid friends with him, if you explain you are his gf and you think he added her for some shifty reasons, just ask her to explain what their relationship has been like....she'll be honest with you if she's not best friends or old friends with him. If he starts liking her pics, or whatever just dump the dude. Some of these guys are too shy to make a move, so they'll just pine away over someone they can't have.

Personally, I would just feel like this situation is wrong. He's told you in the past he thinks you are jealous (you probably had good reason to be) even if you are, he should be understanding of that, even if he never hurt you, and he would work through it with you - as in not doing things to make you jealous, or explaining why he's doing things - if he really loved you and wanted the relationship to work. He would be actively conscious of your feelings in any given situation, which clearly he is not. My friend dated a pisces who did this for her, and now she doesn't worry about anything, so if someone tells you that's impossible, or absurd it's not - when people are in love they work out all their problems's as simple as that. Another huge red flag is he started adding these girls randomly, and it's only girls. Guys that are in serious relationships don't even have time for other girls, and when they do become friends with them if they are already in a relationship, the girl should become friends with you also. At least eventually. If not he's likely hiding something. Personally, I wouldn't stick around to find out what, or wait to figure out if he's lost interest.

- Hannah - 03-25-2014 05:50 PM

Cancers are suppose to loyal. So maybe he is. Added a girl over Facebook doesn't mean anything! Only start worrying when you have some serious sketchy stuff going on! If it's a girl that his friend is talking to, maybe he added her because that's his friends girl? Maybes she added him? Don't worry over something like that.

- Been There - 03-25-2014 06:05 PM

If you want to use astrology to understand another person, use real astrology.
You are using "Sun sign" astrology (his Sun is in Cancer).
Which is only 6% of his entire astrological profile, a small part .. and it's not even the part of his birth chart that indicates his social or romantic behavior. Sun is ONLY how we need to relate to ourselves IF we are going to feel whole and complete.
His Sun sign will not answer any question you have about his relationship style.
Anyone who talks about "the Cancer man" doesn't understand astrology or how it works. They have been scammed by commercial Sun-sign astrology.

So if you want to actually use astrology go to or to do up his free birthchart, entering the day-month-year, hour-minute, and longitude-latitude (or city-state-country) of his birthplace. This will give you HIS chart.
700 million people have Sun in Cancer, but they are not all the same. Only the personal birthchart will tell you about an individual.

From what you say:
He's not a faithful man.
If you break up with him now, you will no longer worry. If you stay with him you will feel the nagging pain of worry for the rest of your life.
You have to care about your own happiness enough to choose wisely who you love, and rejecting those who will not be good for you.

Being "in love" is NOT love.
It is infatuation, and never lasts longer than 2 years or so.
Infatuation is a fantasy that involves the release of brain chemicals that make us "high" over the other. It is being in love with being in love, although we mistake it as loving the other person. It isn't.

Real love takes at least 2 years, of being IN an understood relationship, before it even starts to grow. And it feels nothing like infatuation.

Expect infatuation to die out.
Be surprised if there is anything left to work with once the infatuation has died.
And hope that you are the first to fall out of infatuation, because it hurts like H if they are the first ones to go back to reality.

- felicia - 03-25-2014 06:17 PM

don't try to be jealous you need to learn compromise

love need trust then it will work