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Can my mom take my contact with my dad away? - Divorce? - Printable Version

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Can my mom take my contact with my dad away? - Divorce? - justice - 03-25-2014 08:50 PM

My mom blocks my dads number through her AT&T account on my phone which means i cant talk to him. If i try i will get a text saying that the number is blocked by my carrier. It is super fucked up, he did nothing wrong and she gives BS answers to why she does it... She said "Your dad calls at inappropriate times" so i asked when she couldn't answer then tried to change the subject and then said that she never told me that he calls at inappropriate times. So anyways can she do that? all i want to do is talk to him... i know there is email but its not as fast neither of us sit on our email all day so please don't tell me "use a social media site." And i have tried to talk to her 2 times and it doesn't work...

- Casey - 03-25-2014 08:52 PM

Silly, Use a friends phone.

- Barb Outhere - 03-25-2014 09:01 PM

Does your dad have visitation? Joint custody? Then she has no right to stop your easiest method of contact between the two of you - unless you were running up excessive phone bills - but that wouldn't explain why he can't call you.
If she has sole physical and legal custody (though a decision of the Courts), she certainly can decide whether you have contact with him, or anyone else.

- Katie - 03-25-2014 09:12 PM

Depends on your age and the terms of the custody/visitation order.

Your father can stop this behavior dead in its tracks by taking your mother back to Court and claiming parental interference - she is interfering with your relationship with your father.

Isn't he upset about this?

- Sing2! - 03-25-2014 09:28 PM

Talk to your dad about it when you see him. Certainly he has visitation rights? If he doesn't then have a heart to heart talk with your mom. She may be protecting you from something you don't now understand. Good luck honey!