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How to create a voice for myself in school? - Printable Version

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How to create a voice for myself in school? - Michael - 03-25-2014 09:04 PM

So I'm an invisible junior in highschool. I mean, sure I have a lot of friends, but I want more than just "friends." I want a voice (anonymous or not), I want to make a real place for myself that no one could replace.
Call me crazy, but I was thinking of ideas such as creating an anonymous social media page, and "expose" the things going on in school, shade those "popular kids" who think they're better than anyone, and the stupid rules my school keeps creating. Or maybe start a YouTube, hope to go viral with my music (I'm an aspiring singer, as they call it). I'm open to a huge range of ideas really, risky or not. I kinda like the first idea. What do you guys think? Ideas? Tell me anything

- Maggie - 03-25-2014 09:05 PM

crap your pants- people will be attracted.