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Will my boyfriend be angry if he knew i have looked at his ex-wifes profile on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Will my boyfriend be angry if he knew i have looked at his ex-wifes profile on Facebook? - Pickle - 03-26-2014 02:16 AM

Out of sheer curiosity, i sneeked a peek at my boyfriends ex-wifes facebook profile.
I did this out of sheer curiosity just to see what she looked like. Was this wrong of me? If i told my boyfriend what i have done, will he be angry?

And seeing her picture has made me feel a bit sad and uneasy. Why is this?
She isnt what i expected - she isnt ugly - but she wasnt what i was expecting either. Hard to describe, but i guess i was expecting a slim petite woman, and this lady is quite striking looking with a tall figure and she wears glasses.

Why do i feel wierd seeing her picture???

- Lee Lee - 03-26-2014 02:17 AM

Don't worry anyone would feel unnerved, it's only natural. Automatically you're thinking why did he like her, what did she have that i haven't got....etc. It's not wrong of you, you're bound to be curious, it's only human nature. Stop beating yourself up over it, you don't even have to tell him, just put it behind you.xx

- Bubbles - 03-26-2014 02:28 AM

Perhaps you feel slightly insecure about your own appearance. You shouldn't though. Your boyfriend is with you not his ex-wife. If you think he would be angry if you told him you looked at her profile, don't tell him.

- Cheryl B - 03-26-2014 02:29 AM

I can't see why as long as he doesn't have any feelings for her. I've looked at my husbands ex wife, all I can say is she's as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside, believe me she is a nasty piece of work (long story).

- The sandman - 03-26-2014 02:43 AM

You know this falls into the snooping category and you should be careful, not because of your boyfriends response but rather the effect that checking will do. Resist all temptation to check through mobiles, pockets, emails because all of these things will make you more insecure and unhappy in the long run.

You know the best thing you can ever do is TRUST

If you can do that Facebook profiles and ex partners will never get you down


- highball116 - 03-26-2014 02:56 AM

I would keep that under my hat. Your boyfriend probably had to work really hard to move on from her, and dragging her back into the present would be a bad idea. As for your feelings, I think a little uneasiness is normal. I mean, that's his ex-wife. I'd be more than a little uncomfortable.

- CrisRedfield - 03-26-2014 02:58 AM

maybe you are insecure.........get relax so and never tell to ur bf..........coz if he's with you its because he loves you.....good luck!