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Why cant famous people have friends on facebook? ? - Printable Version

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Why cant famous people have friends on facebook? ? - Chris Clifton - 03-26-2014 03:00 AM

Why can't you have friends on Facebook when you become famous? It just turns to likes?..
I am good friends with a recently famous athlete Trent Richardson and his profile changed from Regular to a like page. I was just wondering thanks for the answers

- Lee - 03-26-2014 03:05 AM

Well atleast 90 percent of celebrities don't use facebook, one way you can tell is for example just search a celebs name and ull come up with multiple facebook pages, but the true answer to this is because they would have to add you, their acount is like one way glass, they can add you and a bunch more stuff but all u can do is like or comment on posts. Most use band profiles which are set so only that page can add friends and people can't just add them.

- Vivek - 03-26-2014 03:13 AM

Because, its not a profile. Its a facebook page. You can like pages and add as friends to profiles only.

- trol - 03-26-2014 03:20 AM

HOw can famous people have facebook? They cant. Some random people will upload famous people's photos as their profile picture and pretend to be the famous people. So basically, famous people usually change their name on facebook and have lots of friends. How do u know they dont have any friends?

- sohel - 03-26-2014 03:22 AM

bcos they dont have time.

- Marie - 03-26-2014 03:35 AM

it's hard to manage for various reasons.
for example friend request is always open for some people such as friends of ur friends or everyone.
there's no way to completely shut it off.
so if u are super famous u will get a gazillion friend requests from people everyday as well as messages.