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Is it haram to agree with some Bible verses? - Printable Version

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Is it haram to agree with some Bible verses? - Polly - 03-26-2014 03:30 AM

I saw this verse on Twitter and favorited it.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above" --James 1:7

As a Muslim, I agree everything is from Allah SWT and this quotes is something I definitely agree with. Is it haram to agree with this or not?

- Joshua - 03-26-2014 03:43 AM

Only in faith, which trusts in God's provision does one receive His blessings.

- WitchHazel - 03-26-2014 03:47 AM

Your question is odd ... haram - something forbidden in muslim law, but y'all live in a harem???

noun \ˈher-əm\

: a house or part of a house in which the women of a Muslim household live

: the women who live in a harem in a Muslim household

: a group of women who are associated with one man

Aren't you infidel to be partaking in bible verses rather than the koran???

infidel - Believe in one faith, but follow another ... or a covetor of gifts given by one God for a god who couldn't establish such in any other way ???

SWT - Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) ... plan on coveting more???

- Riley - 03-26-2014 03:56 AM

If you are Muslim you should know the Quran mentions the Torah and the Gospel and we (Muslims) are supposed to study the bible, along with the Quran and hadith. However, there are a few things in the Gospels that we disagree with. (Such as Jesus dying). I would just say be careful with the whole bible, because only part of the bible is from men inspired by God.

- 854 - 03-26-2014 04:02 AM

No, its not haraam.

As long as anything((Bible or whatever)) - does not contradict with the teachings/beliefs of Islam - there is nothing wrong agreeing with it.

I complete agree with this Bible verse!! A similar verse is also in the Quran!!

~ Quran 4.79 - "Whatever comes to you of good is from Allah , but what comes to you of evil, is from yourself."
