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Really worried about a couple!? - Printable Version

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Really worried about a couple!? - Maddy - 03-26-2014 05:23 AM

Ok so I'm in year 9 and I starred in our school play this year. One of the other girls Mary was a lead and she was amazing. I searched for her on Facebook but didn't add her as I hardly know her at all. I started going to a drama club and she is one of the three girls running it. By the way she is in upper sixth form (year 13.) whilst on her Facebook page I noticed straightaway her picture was her and her boyfriend kissing. I looked through other pictures and I honestly have an awful feeling about him. I feel as though he'll hurt her or be cruel to her. He graduated for 6th form last year meaning he's a year older. I feel really unsure and find myself constantly thinking "no. Mary he's not right for you." I found his Facebook page and he's into metal and all. That. He commented on a picture of her 'f9' not sure what that means but hey could be something creepy. I went to drama club and I could hardly look at her. I feel really scared for her but I absolutely cannot express my concerns to her as I hardly know her and she may feel offended or angry about hoe I see her boyfriend as I bad person. I have another drama club coming up and I honestly don't know what to do. I will keep my mouth shut and I won't try to look at her and I don't know why this is concerning me so much. I just want her to be ok and I don't even know her. The most I've said to her is "here." In the register!!! Like I said before I keep thinking "NO! You can't be together!" It might just be me but I do not want her with him!!! I know I can't tell her this and all I want is a way to get her personal life off my mind and leave her to make her own choices. He's probably a really nice guy and I don't know what to do!!!!! Help me please! Help me to get her and her boyfriend off my mind all day and for me to stop worrying about her!!

- Morgan - 03-26-2014 05:37 AM

First off, why are you worried? I don't really understand why you're concerned. They sound like a normal couple to me. She seems to be happy with him, and he seems to be happy with her so just chill. If you want to get your mind off of it, find something new to do. Draw or play a sport or play video games or bake something or go see a movie. Just try to find a new hobby. Don't be concerned about them, because (from what you're telling me) they both sound happy. It's normal for a person in the relationship to go off to college before the other person does so don't worry about it! She's fine

- k w - 03-26-2014 05:46 AM

do not get involved

your ego is making you jealous

focus on your school work or a hobby etc

the only outcome from getting involved will be trouble for you