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how can I stop my friend being scammed by this organization? - Printable Version

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- Ladybug - 03-26-2014 11:20 AM

well find a picture of a fetus at 6 weeks thats genuine and from a proper medical journal/book/ get the picture and information from a solid source and show her it, explain to her that prolifers are a political group who aim to use shocking material to gain support although she shoudl STILL check her facts before blindly believing anything or committing to a cause.Ask her to check her facts herself to inform herself before she just believes what she hears or is told.

- just_my_opinion - 03-26-2014 11:33 AM

No one is tricked into being pro-life. If you're pro-life you're pro-life even when the fetus is one day old. She needs to check out the organization and make sure it's legit before she donates a penny, but beyond that, it is her decision (not yours) how to spend her money.