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Should i break up with him ? - Printable Version

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Should i break up with him ? - Efrain - 03-26-2014 11:27 AM

We have dated for two years . In the begging of our relationship I found out he was talking to a girl about sex. He never mentioned it until I seemed it on Facebook. I felt so insecure about my self. They talked about when they had done it before we got together. He never replied. But once I called him out on it he told me he knew what he was doing was wrong so he stop talking to her. But I was still insecure. I decided to break up with him , he begged me not to do it. He said he has been faithful but I needed time to think. When we broke up like a week later some other guy cheered me up an he asked me out I didn't know what to say but I said yes. I still had deep feelings for my ex an all I ever did was think of him. So they guy I got with left because I was always upset. I went back to my ex an we started talking again he told me he missed me an wanted to be with me. So we got back together. We were happy he made me happy. But now idk if I'm ready for a serious relationship we been together for two years . I told him I felt like I need time to myself to think about it but he doesn't want to do that he rather work things out together but idk what I want . He's really upset an been pretty depressed when I told him i wanted have time to myself. He is basically begging me not to leave. Also he has been 100% faithful to me an he's says he is still in love with me. He doesn't talk to any girls besides his co workers an has no girl friends. He wants me an only me. The thing is idk what I want, I love him so much but I just need time to think about what I want. I dont want to see him hurt

- Brenda Fleming - 03-26-2014 11:33 AM

Don't hurt him, if you need space then tell him because you're Still not sure.

- no one - 03-26-2014 11:40 AM


- Mase - 03-26-2014 11:49 AM

naw. so y'all were new and he was talking to some chick abt when they hooked up before he got feelings for u. if he's been faithful, stay with him. be chill. 2 years is a long time and if it's something real, I wouldn't throw it all away based on nothing. I mean, what is a relationship worth if it's so disposable based on 1 little thing that happened forever ago? now if he cheated, yeah, leave him but no he seems to want to build a relationship with u and u should respect that. I understand if it makes u feel bad but it's not anything to sweat. just move on from it and stay with him. y'all will be stronger fo rit.

- Warren - 03-26-2014 11:55 AM

Here's my rude opinion and I'm completely guessing, but it's sounds like you're just saying that you need time to think, having already had lots of time and breaks to think.

To me it seems like the incident with the other girl made you feel like you'd only feel secure with him if you keep making him feel like you might pull the cord on the relationship.

It sounds like you're playing games and masking it with the good old 'need time to think' gag.

What exactly is all this thinking you're doing?

You're indecisive and you're making it his problem. Otherwise, you'd sit down for an hour, jot those 'millions of thoughts' you've got to think about onto a page and make a decision.

Don't be cruel. Don't be a bully and don't pretend like you need time.

The time you're taking is probably all going to um'ming and 'ah'ing.

Stop playing games.

- Taylor - 03-26-2014 11:59 AM

For sure

- My Name - 03-26-2014 12:07 PM

why cant you be in a serious relationship with him , yall where together for 2 years

- Jennifer - 03-26-2014 12:19 PM

Don't break up Sad but if you need time to your self then take a break and think!