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Please proof read my news article.? - Robby - 03-26-2014 12:35 PM

World Famous artist makes bold statement about McDonalds without saying a single world.
Who is the artist and are they a creative genius or graffiti vandal?
How could you hate a restaurant that serves quick- inexpensive bites around the clock, and why not Taco Bell?

South Bronx, NYC- European faceless artist ‘Banksy’ makes a bold stand against fast food giant ‘McDonalds’. On October 16th a fiberglass figure of McDonalds mascot; Ronald McDonald was spotted in the South Bronx.The fiberglass sculpture was accompanied by a live teenage boy appearing to polishing the statue’s oversized shoes.
One eye witness identified as ‘Paul’ reported, “Banksy is awesome, he is doing something challenging to the art establishment…this is not about McDonalds, it is about the fact that we are all slaves to capitalism.” The McDonald’s corporation is undeniably a fast food giant. The chain is in 119 countries with revenues of $27.5 billion, and profits of $5.5B in 2012. The fast food giant employs nearly 1.8M workers, or as Paul refers to them-‘slaves’. Numerous employees have unsuccessfully filed lawsuits against the corporation for unsafe working conditions. Perhaps Banksy believes McDonalds is unfair to its expendable staff. Many views of the art referred to the European anonymous artist as a genius. On twitter MickeyFactz added, “Banksy is a legend.” Although not all New Yorkers were sympathetic to the odd fiberglass statue.
Many online viewers were disturbed by the statue dumped in the middle of the sidewalk. PhillLucas tweeted, “With all the other graffiti… NYC looks like a total dump.” Banksy has also been known for his stencil spray paint ‘art’ around NYC. Last year alone the City of NY spent $3M on graffiti removal practices according to Many believe Banksy is part of the problem. Banksy’s more recent art piece- the depiction of Ronald McDonald, was seen at various location in New York. But is McDonald’s really the horrid company Banksy depicts it to be?
While many disagree with the largest fast food chain in the world’s business practices, they choose to eat there anyways. Many customers recognize that McDonald’s has poor business values, but they still choose to get their grilled McWrap on their lunch break. McDonalds routinely pays its employees so low, they encourage the employees to seek government food stamps, and this is according to the employee’s ‘McRescourses ’line. Many customers are simply looking for the cheapest and quickest burger, and don’t mind overlooking their poor business values. Most McDonald’s drive thru’s in NYC are open 24/7 this serves as a great resource to New Yorkers who work very late or very early. Without McDonalds, many would be forced to spend extra time at home preparing their food, when they could be at work.
So of all the corporation in America, why did Mr. Banksy pick McDonalds? Quite possibly because it is the largest fast food chain in the world. Now how did they grow so big, are the ads to blame? The restaurant has arguably one of the most persistent ad campaigns in recent years. Their inexpensive food ads are everywhere, from billboards, to YouTube, the fast food giant will not let consumers forget about their “49 cent ice cream cones” or the “99 cent pumpkin spice lattes”. After falling for the ads, consumers are often delighted with their McDonalds experience. Georgiax tweeted, “McDonalds, im proud of your attempt at making your restaurant fine dining.”
So how is this art in NYC going to affect you? It is not, but the new Quarter pounder with bacon may affect your waistline. What is next for this vandal or artistic genius everyone is asking? There will be more art to come, guaranteed! Bansky consistently posts his art on his website daily. For more info on Banksy’s public art exhibits visit

- Conow - 03-26-2014 12:48 PM

I made myself a note while reading through your article. Great work! I never studied news and article stuff, so consider this an amateur's view(lots of nitpicking included, I warn you)

1. subtitle: who is the artist.... I think it is kinda awkward because you're telling us who that is in the first sentence.

2. Real no. 1: world-> word. Besides, it's not that impressive that an artist conveys a message without saying a word. It's what artists do.

3. saying nasty thing about Mcdonalds isn't very bold these days, in my opinion. Many famous or non-famous people have done that.

4. I'm not a expert, so I'm not sure, but is the word 'perhaps' an acceptable word to be on a article? Doesn't it makes the reader lose confidence to the article?

5. In the same sentence, you just defined the staffs 'expendable' isn't the whole idea of the article is that no person is expandable?

6. Not my place to judge, but I would like to see the person who called this act 'genius'. 'Many views of art' is a actual word that people use, I think, And is Banksy anonymous? How do we know his/her name? I'm not sure about this...

7. The references you made, I think it's inappropriate to use the name unchanged from twitter-name form. And these statements look trivial, and I had to google their names. More expert comments would be better.

8. The statement about Banksy and his graffity, I think they're out of context. I think it would be better if you give it a separate paragraph as an introduction to this Banksy character.

9. But is the Mcdonalds~~ : you established that Mcdonalds is the evil one here until now, and you're suddenly questioning it! I don't think it's okay to lose consistency like this. I think details of Mcdonalds being evil is better suited earlier in the article, not halfway through.

10. I think the following paragraph became emotional and lost objectivity. I'd expect a more logical and cold, not hot and enthusiastic line in a newpaper article.

11. Quite possibly? You put your personal guess in a article. I think guess can be only be put in an article if it is established that most people agrees with it, but I don't think that's the case here.

12. It is not? Wouldn't it make us think twice about the Mcdonalds? You wrote about a artist's work that has social intentions and suddenly you claimed it doesn't have effect whatsoever on us.

13. overall, when I read this, I didn't think this is a news article, rather a piece of reading from a megazine. I don't know the type of article you're trying to make exactly though...

14. I see two messages here: 1, an introduction of Banksy's work, and 2, Mcdonald's evil. I think you should focus more on one of those two.