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After getting out of prison, how do I locate my daughter? - Printable Version

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After getting out of prison, how do I locate my daughter? - jamie - 03-26-2014 01:15 PM

In 2011 I went to prison and got out this month. I was gone 2 and half years. During that time I continually wrote my daughter many letters, tried calling collect and had every person I know call as well. He took our case to court, and relinquished my parenting time. After that he changed his number and moved. My family and I have no idea where they are or how to find them. Where do I start? I believe they are in the state of colorado, I am in california.

- rafferty - 03-26-2014 01:26 PM

social media if she is old enough. Otherwise, your best bet is to hire a private dectective

- babyboomer1001 - 03-26-2014 01:38 PM

Define "relinquished my parenting time". Generally, you cannot parent if you are in jail. Did he just have visitation limited in jail and afterwards or did he actually have your rights relinquished. If he had your rights relinquished, you would in violation of a court order if you went anywhere near the child. Since he used the word "relinquish", it sounds like he was able to convince the court that you are a bad influence on the child, due to whatever you did to land yourself in jail so, if you do manage to find your daughter, you should probably ask her father if he would allow some visitation and hope that he will at this point. Otherwise, you will probably land yourself back in jail.