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My Facebook account has been disabled? - Printable Version

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My Facebook account has been disabled? - Bikerboy1000 - 03-26-2014 02:24 PM

I got a facebook account and for the last 3 day's my account has been disabled, honestly i don't know the cause of it, i haven't been doing anything I wasn't suppost too, I did not get a reason why but I read and it say's ither cuz i got hack, or i was pretending to be someone I am not, there are many reason but what i was wondering was how long is it going to be disabled for or they completely block my account forever? can anybody help me?

- Lindsey - 03-26-2014 02:37 PM

Someone was probably trying to hack into your facebook account and facebook probably disabled it after they couldn't get the password right. Contact facebook, tell them the situation and demand that they enable your account or explain exactly why it was disabled.

Once it's disabled, I don't know if you can get it back though.