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If I am going to advertise on facebook. Which will likely gain me better results: per click or per impression? - Printable Version

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If I am going to advertise on facebook. Which will likely gain me better results: per click or per impression? - G A - 03-26-2014 03:40 PM

I am brand new to the world of online advertising. I have a couple of businesses I have started up essentially as an independent contractor. These are two completely separate businesses, utilising different skill sets. I have a website for one of these businesses so far, and I believe the best way to grow this business at this time is through advertising. (The other will probably grow better via word-of-mouth.)

I have chosen to advertise on facebook because I believe a lot of people who will require my skills are already on that web site. My choices seem to be among the following: pay per click, or pay per (thousand) impressions.

Can people share with me their experience using one or both of those strategies? At this time, my gut instinct tells me I would get more bang for my buck paying for impressions rather than per click, but as I said, I am brand new to the world of online advertising.
Austin, your answer is amusing, but it does not answer my question. I'm looking for people who have some understanding of online advertising, though your gorilla marketing campaign might work if I actually had access to those resources.

- Austin - 03-26-2014 03:45 PM

This is simple.

Slap a bunch of bumper stickers adertising you buisness to the ass of 20,000 hairless baboons and release them in the streets of New york, each baboon should get atleast 1,000 peoples attention bringing you in atleast 20 million clients! Man I'm a genius I should be paid for this advice!

But then you gotta do the math of how many baboons will be eatin by the homeless and home many will be run over.. But I'll leave that up to you goodluck!

- Brett - 03-26-2014 03:48 PM

It can be difficult to say one way or the other. Per impression seems like a great deal, but that includes people who may not even see the ad. My recommendation is simple. Give each a shot for a month and go with which ever is more useful. I'm going to guess per click will get you better results.

- David Allison - 03-26-2014 03:55 PM

Firstly welcome to the wonderful world of online advertising.

Facebook is a great way to advertise online and really I always think it helps to think backwards in many cases in advertising.
Firstly what do you want the audience to do? There call of action to every advertisement whether it be an emotional response, a click, a sale, or all three. If you want clicks then I would recommend buying per click. This is the key factor that distinguishes between media buying and pay per click.

Media buying is buying a space on a website, you know what website your ad is on and you know how many people are going to view it. You pay the same amount every week or month for that space.

A pay per click is different in that you only play for the clicks that you get, but your ad may be shown out of context and you dont have so much control.

Facebook is best in my view for ppc, you want to focus your advertisement on your call to action, work backwards. If your call to action is people going to your site then you need people to click your ad, if you get 1000 views you have to remember that about 2% of those will click depending on what the ad is.

If you want to chat on skype or email me visit my company website.

CEO of adbolts ltd