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HELP WITH MY FACEBOOK ACCOUNT? - couch - 03-26-2014 08:24 PM

Is it possible for someone to hack my facebook account? I mean, my uncle sent me a friend request on FB, I've accepted it and now he's saying he already knows my password. I dont know if he's just joking or he's speaking the truth. And for my privacy settings, those who are not my friends don't have access to my wall, but my uncle said he could access my wall before conncecting with me. Pls help :-) Thanks

- dannyboy2111 - 03-26-2014 08:39 PM

Hes Jokeing Around With you

- Daz Smith - 03-26-2014 08:51 PM

I don't think so, he's messing around

- Mohammed sawaie - 03-26-2014 09:02 PM

Yea there is too ways to hack the Facebook account, and there is no one can see your wall if you make it privacy, you must change the password from 2 months to 3, and if you want those are a good ways to chose the good password :
1) put on it capital letters.
2) put on it no. And something like this "@&$;Undecided#%^*+=•¥£€><~|\_".
3) make it tall than 8 letters .
4) don't give it to anyone.
Hope you gonna make your Facebook secure Smile

- ? - 03-26-2014 09:04 PM

try this site to find facebook password. you will definitely succeed, it worked for me and it`s online.