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Can someone find your IP address through facebook? I am being threatened? - Printable Version

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Can someone find your IP address through facebook? I am being threatened? - Abby - 03-26-2014 08:34 PM

Ok, so I was on one of the post on the CNN facebook pages , debating politics just like everyone else. Well, this guy has gone full blast after me. He went full blown crazy. He says he knows where I live because I answered one of his chat messages. He said he tracked my IP that way. First of all, what exactly is an IP address when someone says they found your IP address, what are they talking about? My computer IP or my internet IP address, and can they find out where I live through either? Please, I am finding out different answers online and I even found a tutorial of finding ones IP address through facebook. Is this true? Am I at risk?

Thank you so much.

- 714 - 03-26-2014 08:49 PM

No he can't find you thru your IP address. The IP address will give him the name & address of your ISP, not you. Most people don't know that and jerks like this know that and use it to scare people. No way he can get info on you unless you provide it, most people do without realizing it. They mention things they do or places they go.
Just block him. Or ignore him.

- abraXus - 03-26-2014 09:05 PM

even if someone could get your ip address, it doesnt them them anything other than what city you live near, it's not like they can find your home address from it