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Why is my facebook posting unappropiate post?!? - Printable Version

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Why is my facebook posting unappropiate post?!? - BadGalLea. - 03-26-2014 10:52 PM

Ok about 2 days ago I noticed that I had a notification from a friend on facebook that commented something unappropiate because of a post that was on my timeline. I thought why in hell is he asking me this? So I click the notification to go on the post and it said something like 'Asian girl takes off her little panties'. Im like what in hell? And so I deleted the post. Now this afternoon I go on my facebook and see that I have more notifications of a post that 4 friends had liked and another had commented something stupid. IDK how they could be so damn dumb they know I dont post sh*t like that on my facebook. I dont recall clicking on anything suspicious or nothing of that sort. I want this sh*t to stop now its getting annoying. Next thing you know I'll have my mom calling me asking what the f*ck am I talking about on facebook because she always calls me to talk about certain posts lol. Shes new to facebook so she doesnt know any better. How can I cease this mess?
Ummm. @wpanther30.....None of my friends know my password so that isn't it. Anyway I just changed my password so hopefully this works. If it persists then IDK what im gonna do. Probably make a new facebook.

- Omnipotent - 03-26-2014 10:54 PM

You might have clicked some Web URL inadvertently and that's the reason it's posting it. Never click on any unknown URL

- CHANCE - 03-26-2014 10:59 PM

When you give apps and websites permissions for Facebook, some can include posting on your behalf. Try clearing all your permissions of thing you think aren't valid. Also try getting a different password, as someone could've hacked into your account.

- piquet - 03-26-2014 11:01 PM

you've been hacked, love. time to change your passwords.

- wpanther30 - 03-26-2014 11:05 PM

did you post this or your friend it like a hooker advertising post some people must complained. you can go peoples wall and under site pick inappropriate content fb get enough of these they notify you. got be careful.. you need better friends

- Jim - 03-26-2014 11:16 PM

Facebook does not post anything to your timeline. But, when you play games or take quizzes or (especially) fill out forms for "free" stuff, you'll be asked if it's ok if the site you're on posts to your timeline. It's this that has caused it.

As I said, the sites that promise free stuff are the worst, but I've also seen ads for such things as telling you who's viewed your FB page that also spam your timeline.

- LehalPanda - 03-26-2014 11:27 PM

Report to facebook.