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Found out I am pregnant after leaving abusive ex, advice PLEASE? - Printable Version

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Found out I am pregnant after leaving abusive ex, advice PLEASE? - Deseray - 03-27-2014 05:25 AM

My ex and I broke up a couple of months ago after 2 years of being off and on due to him being REALLY mentally abusive then eventually physically. After he hit me we didn't talk for a while. We ended up talking again on the verge of getting back together. Long story short last time we talked was about 3 months ago he gave me this long spill about how he changed he loves me and etc.

Come to find out after we had sex he was full of it. About a week after he told me how we would never work because "I couldn't keep up with him sexually", "Wasn't mentally on his level", and didn't have the capability to challenge him on a grown women level...ultimately projecting me as NOTHING. I felt so low it was ridiculous.

After he did all that, he attempted to come back talking to me. I had been ignoring him and blocked him on all my social media sites along with cell phone. Only thing he was still on was my instagram (he STILL likes almost all my pictures) and that was only because I didn't know how to block him. I have been so happy lately it's almost crazy even found a new interest up until last night.

For the last few days I've been BAD headaches, exhaustion and dizziness. I decided to take a test just for the heck of it. I didn't think it would come back because I've been having "periods" (moderate bleeding around the time of period). Well come to find out I am in fact pregnant. I did a online calculator and I'm about 10 weeks.

Now I don't know what to do.....
I don't want to back peddle but I almost have no choice cause I'm not giving this child up for adoption nor abortion.

I am beyond happy to have a child on the way and we are both in a financial place to handle it but the circumstances with HIM are no where near ANYTHING I want.

I don't even know what my question is, can I just get advice? How do I go about telling him?

- Renee Aponte - 03-27-2014 05:36 AM

I would get a lawyer for legal advice because if this man is as abusive as you say he is, I would ask that he has supervised visitation. After the legal counsel only then would I tell him.

- Granny 1 - 03-27-2014 05:50 AM

First off if he hit you once he will do it again, Have your baby and raise it you don't need him

- Grandpa - 03-27-2014 05:52 AM

The only fact is that he has a history of abuse. Of course he claims to have changed, but you should not believe it. Contact a Lawyer and see what you need to do to get coverage for your medical expenses now and child care later.

- swbarnes2 - 03-27-2014 06:08 AM

"I don't want to back peddle but I almost have no choice cause I'm not giving this child up for adoption nor abortion."

Then I don't know what you are asking about, if you won't hear any options but what you have chosen. He's abusive, so you can't go back to him. That's all there is to it.