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Is myspce or facebook better? - Printable Version

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Is myspce or facebook better? - Marie . - 03-27-2014 07:24 AM

I'm thinking about getting myspace or facebook ,but I don't know which ones better.or should I just get both?

- davrukin - 03-27-2014 07:28 AM

get both. depends on your opinion.

- ThisgirLx3 - 03-27-2014 07:40 AM

Myspace for me.

- Meghan M - 03-27-2014 07:46 AM

i think that facebook is better for adults wanting to keep in touch, although more teenagers are getting it.

myspace is simpler.

- Lauren C - 03-27-2014 07:49 AM

facebook for me

- babyann - 03-27-2014 08:05 AM

facebook for mom doesnt allow me to have a myspace but it sounds pretty cool but facebook is more oganized haha I LOVE FACEBOOK hahahaha lol

- Hallie S - 03-27-2014 08:06 AM

i had both, but now i've totally abandoned myspace
facebook is way better

- Claymate For Life! - 03-27-2014 08:10 AM

facebook for me...and i what i've heard facebook is the safest of the two..

- superjadex12 - 03-27-2014 08:12 AM

They are both social networking, so maybe you should ask your friends which one they use the most, that way you can interact with your friends.

I use and recommend facebook for the following reasons:
Way way way way less spam. Myspace is horribly prone to spam accounts, spam friend requests, spam messages, just about spam everything.

There is a ton more ads on myspace too. Facebook has ads, but they don't really get in your way the way the ads on myspace do.

Facebook is cleaner and more organized. They restrict you from editing your page too much, which is actually a good thing. The people on myspace edit their page so much that you have to wait 30 mins for it to load up, and then there's 34 songs playing, 19 videos, and you are trying to read purple text on a burning-your-retina-red background.

There is just TOO MUCH stuff going on on myspace for me to have any clue what is legit, and what is safe.

Facebook is more school oriented, so you can find a lot of your classmates, and one of the best things about facebook is their images application. You can upload your pics, organize into albums, tag the photo with the names of the people in the picture, auto share with everyone in the photo, etc.

Facebook is a little harder to learn, but that's because it has more structure and logic behind the way you interact and the tools you can use, so once you learn, its worth it.