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Help Facebook and tumblr problems? - Printable Version

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Help Facebook and tumblr problems? - wood - 03-27-2014 04:02 PM

Ok this person on tumblr (I know her in real life) and she keeps on forcing me to like what she likes but sometimes I have my own views and opinions if I disagree then she just argued and never admit she's wrong, and she also keeps on trying to friend all of my friends on Facebook even if they're strangers to her just because I friend them, and what ever I post on Facebook that she disagrees with she would just take a screenshot of it and post it on tumblr and everyone make everyone insult me and if I want to pay back she would threat me what should I do? It's bugging me for a while

- Chan - 03-27-2014 04:06 PM

make a new tumblr and just gradually stop using your current account. As for facebook, don't post anything for a while. I don't think you should be friends if she's threatening you and just generally being an *ss

- Matthew - 03-27-2014 04:15 PM

This is a problem only because you are allowing it to be a problem.

This is not your friend. She's trying to bully you into doing what she wants you to do and she is cyber-bullying you by re-posting and making fun of your posts publicly. She is also trying to friend all of your friends so she has a wider audience.

The best thing you could do is to block her so she can't see any of your posts. Block her on all social media, not just Facebook. Let all your friends know of the problem so they, too, can block her. If she continues to harass you, either on line or in person, you need to tell someone (a teacher, school administrator, parents, etc). Threats should not be tolerated in any way. The longer you allow her to get away with this, the more she will do it. Put an end to it now.