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Why are there so many teenagers cutting right now? - Printable Version

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Why are there so many teenagers cutting right now? - Nicole - 03-27-2014 09:35 PM

My daughter was doing this and she can't explain why. She said lots of kids are doing it. I would like to understand her but she doesn't seem to understand it herself. It sounds like she is doing it to fit in.

- 645 - 03-27-2014 09:47 PM

Physical pain to take their minds off emotional pain(depression).

- Andy - 03-27-2014 09:55 PM

The world is a tough place for Teenager's these days. They face a lot of pressure from the world & it causes depression. Until Society changes & Teenagers don't feel so much unnecessary burden from the weight of the world, it will only get worse. Your daughter on the other hand doesn't sound depressed, she's just doing it because some of her friends are cutting.

- Char - 03-27-2014 10:09 PM

It is a form of control, and the pain it causes creates adrenaline and takes away from the emotional pain

- Lesus - 03-27-2014 10:20 PM

Maybe it's harder to get drugs now, or because cutting doesn't show on a drug test. Or maybe it's all those vampire and zombie movies.

- Katie - 03-27-2014 10:28 PM

im a teen and recently got caught by my mom.. i do it because it helps me cope with things, ex: stress, anxiety.
it isn't a 'fit in' thing. this is an actual problem.. i think the best thing to do is maybe try a therapist. that's what my mom did with me, and it has helped me, though ive only been going for about 3 weeks, it has been good. and don't be sure about the fitting in, because i told that to my mom, knowing i was lying.. i wish you the best of luck. xx

- Nuclearsuntan - 03-27-2014 10:30 PM

We need to legalize more drugs. That's the answer.

- Josie - 03-27-2014 10:33 PM

I dont think its because she wants to fit in, but i think its because a lot of people do it. She probably feels like she has depression or like her lifes awful, but chances are its not. So many teens are doing it because its gotten across the internet and teens think it helps. Or she might want attention. I think the internets harmful

- CSE - 03-27-2014 10:44 PM

Because they've grown up coddled without consequences, without real human interaction due to the amount of social media they engage in, and with medications being the first resort whenever they have a problem.

They're not being made to stand on their own like teens from previous generations were, and as a result they can't handle it when the smallest thing in life goes wrong. When they do something wrong they get a tap on the wrist. When they feel sad or anxious they get given a pill to pop. They never learn to cope, and so act out in stupid ways like cutting themselves.

People talk about how cutting releases endorphins, but there are many ways to achieve the same result without resorting to self-mutilating yourself. Exercise will do it. Go hit a ball around with friends. Go for a jog or hike. Go swimming.

- Monica - 03-27-2014 10:51 PM

Shes probably doing it to fit in if she doesnt know why. Kids usually do this to cope with their pain since physical pain is easier to handle then emotional pain.