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How to get my old facebook account back? - Printable Version

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How to get my old facebook account back? - Keisha - 03-28-2014 08:57 AM

Someone hacked my facebook account. And they've been cussing my friends out and putting inappropriate pictures of me up. And added a lot of random people.

So basically what I'm trying to ask is. Is there ANYWAY I can get my account back?
They even hacked my email.

Can I at least report the account? and make facebook delete it?
I can't change the password.
Because they already did.
I can't log onto my old account at all!

- Mr. Know it all - 03-28-2014 09:07 AM

change the password and tell your friends what happened.. delete the random people

- Amanda - 03-28-2014 09:16 AM

Make a new facebook.
Add all your normal friends.
Explain to them what happened.
All is back to normal ! Smile
You can probably report them somehow. I just dont know how Sad

- Hey - 03-28-2014 09:25 AM

Hello My account got hacked a couple of weeks ago, as did my friend, and a big list of her friends, the hacker also added up rude/inapriopet pictures up of my friend, her friends and even me on my old account - edited on photoshop :/ There is alot of people on my old facebook who hate me too (not the people who hacked me, people from my school) who can see the pictures, either way i sent a email to facebook this email -
and i said


My account was maliciously attacked last week and since, I have been trying to retrieve my account back. I have made a new Facebook account with this email and would like to kindly ask if you could remove my old account off your current system.
My email and Facebook account were both hacked last week, this is why I have even been unable to reset the password and gain access to the account.
Below are some of my details you may need:-
Name: - [Name on your profile]
Email address Associated with ‘old’ Account: -
New Email Address-

Kind Regards
[Your name]

They did reply, but still havent delted my old facebook, so im just going to keep sending the email, till it gets done :/ x

- Love - 03-28-2014 09:37 AM
