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What type of relationship is this? - Printable Version

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What type of relationship is this? - No Chance Without Knuckles - 03-28-2014 11:11 AM

There is this girl at karate I am interested in. Her Facebook profile pic is with her and another boy from karate, in a car and smiling. However, they rarely speak to each other during or after class.

I gave her a compliment on how she looked one day (clearly flirting) and she playfully pushed me aside, accepting the flirt. The boy was nearby and no words were exchanged between the two. Later as the three of us left, the boy and I talked on the way to all of our cars but this girl didn't pay attention to either of us.

I don't understand this. There are two pictures of her with this boy on Facebook and the boy's page says they are in a relationship, since November, yet the girl has shown interest in me, and the two rarely acknowledge one another. Is this just an open relationship?

- lalit yadav - 03-28-2014 11:24 AM

i think it is.

- 576 - 03-28-2014 11:39 AM

That sounds pretty odd. The only real way to know is to ask one of them. I know it sucks, but otherwise there is no way to be sure.