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facebook friend question? - O_o - 03-28-2014 08:49 PM

I was on facebook and i noticed that my friend count went down, then i learned a couple people deleted me.

Usually i wouldn't care, but i'm overly obsessive so I care way too much! How do you feel when you find out a facebook friend deletes you? I wasn't even close to the person who deleted me, but i still feel bad, like i did something wrong or I'm not worth being ''friends'' with on facebook. Is there any positive way I can look at this?

P.S. I know i have no life Tongue
i looked at my other friends facebook friends list, and i seen the person who deleted me

- Cindy T - 03-28-2014 09:05 PM

well maybe they deleated their account?/

- cc - 03-28-2014 09:18 PM

don't get yourself down for this...i do the same thing on facebook.
i sometimes add acquaintances that i have semi talked to in the past...but then find out that we don't even talk to each other anymore, or even keep in touch through facebook. so i delete them.

this might be the case with your couple of 'friends' who have deleted you so don't feel bad about it

- Kevin - 03-28-2014 09:27 PM

The positive way to look at it is that you know they don't want to be friends with you and you never have to wonder what they are thinking ever again. If they don't want to be friends with you, they aren't worth your time.

- 063 - 03-28-2014 09:37 PM

Yea...I was like - hey....he deleted me and she did too. & hey this one also did.

So a kid in my grade deleted me!!!! I mean we aren't buddies, but we's not like I do not know him.
& this other kid deleted me - I kinda sort of know him but not really....but my other friends are friends with him and they also kinda sort of know him....So I was like whatever. & this other boy deleted me because I was "annoying" him. lol
I mean - he is in my grade and I asked him something on the whatever.
I have 226 friends and if 20 of the people that I actually know don't want me as their friend - fine...I don't care. Their loss...not mine.

The feeling is terrible...I know.
It makes you feel like a loser. But hey - you know what: IT'S THEIR LOSS! & that's what my friend tells me all the time.
You'll make new friends, so who cares about these people?!
They are jerks anyways - for deleting you.

- Nameless - 03-28-2014 09:38 PM

Either they just didn't want you as a friend, they deleted their account, or deleting you as a friend was an accident.

Honestly, I wouldn't even care if one of my friends deleted me. It's just Facebook. Maybe their mad at you for some reason, and this is their way of showing it. Try talking to them.

Hope this helps.

- Colleen91 - 03-28-2014 09:42 PM

Hey, it's okay. I knew someone from way back (elementary school) we never talked much back then but now she comes to my school, and she added me. I was like "wow!" I remember you! LOL
So, anyways maybe a few months later I went to see her account to see how she was doing, and also I was bored xDD ---- so then it came up private and I realized i wasn't even her friend anymore!! i was like wtf, dude. so i checked to see some statuses, and she commented on someone's staus, meaning her account was still alive, but she just deleted me. plain and simple.
I have to admit, I deleted a friend once, but only because I totally forgot who that person was. @.@ I only accepted in the first place cuz we had like 4 mutual friends so I should know her from somewhere. lol
So, here are some reasons why YOUR friend deleted you possibly:

* he/she has too many friends and just doesn't like it.
* she/he prefers only friending people she's very close with, or talks to on a regular basis.
* he/she is just organizing her friends on facebook
* he/she wants their profile to be supremely private by keeping only their bestest of buddies.
* other than that, I don't know why since you guys aren't like enemies or something. just chill, you did nothing wrong, I promise.