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My Dad won't let me put a picture of me on Facebook? - Printable Version

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My Dad won't let me put a picture of me on Facebook? - jamesvjose - 03-29-2014 11:16 AM

He's been fine for the past few years but recently both my parents are telling me not to upload pictures of myself on FB and IG. They shout at me when I do. I'm sixteen, they didn't care when I was fourteen. I've tried to explain to them that I only accept friend requests from people I know and all the privacy settings are on but they've got some crazy idea that my friends might crop my face and photoshop it onto some naked body or something. I highly doubt that would happen but even if it did it wouldn't look realistic and the person could go to jail so why would they do that? Anyways, how do I get them off my case!!??

Btw they're freshie indians so they're a bit strict and probably won't even listen to me.

- Delle - 03-29-2014 11:29 AM

I agree with your dad. I have never put any photographs of myself or anyone else onto Facebook or any other website. There are too many idiots about (some might be your friends) who would do God knows what with your photographs. They could doctor them into something that is illegal or disgusting. Facebook (and other sites) privacy buttons can be overcome, mine were, and I left Facebook because my private messages to family members, living abroad, telling them my mum was dying, were made Public even though I had everything set to 'no-one' and Facebook did nothing when I tried to contact them. If you must put your photos up at least be very selective, but to be honest I wouldn't upload them, and I'd take down any that I had.

- Jes100 - 03-29-2014 11:34 AM

I think your parents just want to protect you. Sorry my parents were the same way (it sucked). Wait until your are 18.

- Sandy K - 03-29-2014 11:42 AM

Listen to your parents. Why do you want your picture on facebook? It is not a good thing to do this. There are so many nuts out there that could harass you. You might not want to hear this but your parents are right!

- Jane - 03-29-2014 11:57 AM

I think that when you were 14, they probably didn't have a clue! They have no doubt become recently aware due to stuff in the media, have become worried ( as parents do about their kids) and clamped down on you out of fear and ignorance. And this is not just about them being as you describe 'freshie indians', many parents of all cultures are worried about their kids being vulnerable on-line.

You sound like a sensible person who has an understanding of how social networking happens, and that you know more than your parents.
Of course you know that any material you place on-line will remain. As someone who has been involved in recruitment for many years, I will tell you that when I am seriously considering someone for a job, I will FB and google search them, so check what is available about you and do a clean up if needed.