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Restore Data on Candy Crush? - Printable Version

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Restore Data on Candy Crush? - kate - 03-29-2014 01:40 PM

Hello folks! Please save me. I was on level 378 without a fb account. Then my cousin logged onto her fb account today and now my iPad is on level 113. When I logged off of her account, her level (113) stayed. How can I restored my old level? Please tell me there's some way before I cry. Thanks and please help!

- Moorf Jenkins - 03-29-2014 01:53 PM

Play a different game.

- imjustakidd - 03-29-2014 01:59 PM

Log off of hers and log back on yours and refresh. If all else fails you can still play it on Facebook from where you left off at.