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Is my fiance's social media addiction a serious problem? - Printable Version

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Is my fiance's social media addiction a serious problem? - Berry - 03-30-2014 01:50 AM

My fiance has been a die-hard sports fan since he was in the womb. Even during his childhood, he knew he wanted to work in the sports industry, and believe me when I say: when he is passionate about something, he is really, REALLY passionate about it. His teams' loss puts him in a pissed off mood for the rest of the evening.

But what the real problem is, is his addiction to social media/checking sports updates. He CONSTANTLY has his face buried in his iPhone checking twitter updates from all the major sports people he follows. He's constantly checking his instagram, his facebook, ect. Before we got engaged, we were in a long distance relationship so we saw each other about twice a month for a long weekend, and he would always be so consumed in his phone. It drove me nuts so a couple times I've confronted him about it and in return he says "you always criticize me about that." I've simply told him that he's always on his phone and I wish he would just spend time with me, not with me and all his social media updates on his phone.

Recently we put in a movie I wanted to watch and before it even started, he was checking instagram. I said "you're not watching" and he sighed and put his phone down. Last night we started watching a documentary that he's wanted to see for a while and within ten freakin minutes he just randomly started scrolling through his twitter app! So he wasn't even paying attention! I feel like I'm in a three way relationship with him and his phone, but when I say something, I'm the bad guy. He's been checking his phone very 20 minutes at least for new sports updates and it's just ridiculous to me. What can I do? Why is he addicted and will he ever change?

- Billy - 03-30-2014 01:57 AM

It isn't a problem he just likes to follow it as closely as possible.

- Kaz - 03-30-2014 02:03 AM

Tell him stop or ull lev

- l8tr g8tr - 03-30-2014 02:07 AM

He is who he is. If you don't like it and it's not working for you (and it's NOT going to change) then perhaps you should break up and try to find someone more compatible to you and your needs.

- poldi - 03-30-2014 02:13 AM

Yes, its a problem.
Social media addiction is just as destructive as alcoholism or drugs or any other compulsion.

Unfortunately, people with this addiction will never admit its a problem and won't change - if you don't like it, it won't get any better with time.

- Crankitty - 03-30-2014 02:25 AM

Make fun of him for it. Bet him he can't cut down to checking Twitter twice a day. I think that's the easiest way of highlighting the problem because he's try and realize he has a REALLY hard time with it.