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I need to find out if a person is really who he says he is & not a scammer? - Printable Version

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I need to find out if a person is really who he says he is & not a scammer? - Kim A - 03-30-2014 02:41 AM

He says his name is Jackson Fletcher & he is widowed a father to an 8 year old girl living in Baltimore Maryland ---

- Fork - 03-30-2014 02:49 AM

To figure out if this person is or isn't a scammer, please give us information, like how he contacted you, paste a copy of his messages, etc...

Just by telling us his 'name' and what he claims he 'is' and where he claims he 'lives' doesn't tell us anything important about the validity of his identity.

- Kittysue - 03-30-2014 02:53 AM

First of all, scammers give out their full name right away. Real men never give out more than their first names to people they meet online

Second, any real man would insist on a Skype chat to make sure you aren't a catfish. If you haven't talked live on cam or he has excuses like his webcam is broken, he's a scam

Third, if he claims to be working in Nigeria, Ghana, Malaysia, England or Spain or claims to be in the military in Africa, Iraq or Afghanistan its a scam. For some reason 99% of the scammers claim to be working or serving in one of these countries then need to borrow money for some emergency -- medical treatment, they can't cash their paycheck, they were robbed, they were arrested, they need to pay to leave the airport, they need a new plane ticket, they need to pay customs duty, military leave/retirement papers, etc. EVERY time a person you meet online asks for money, it's a SCAM. There are NO exceptions

Fourth, any man would tell you where he works and you could easily verify by just calling his employer and asking to speak to him. Scammers often use the names if real people, usually past victims of their scams. So call his supposed employer and speak with him

Fifth, test him. If he's overseas say that you just saw on Facebook that someone you went to school with has just been posted to the US Embassy in the country he is in. Say that you've already contacted your friend and you hope you don't mind that you gave them his details and your friend is oing to contact him this week to meet up. Say that your friend has only been in the country for 3 weeks and doesn't know anyone so you thought they should meet. If he claims he's in the military, say that your uncle is a General and has just been deployed to the country where he is and you gave your uncle his name and contact details so they can meet. Tell him your uncle is very influential when it comes to promotions. Then see how he reacts. If he gets angry or cuts off contact he's fake. A real guy would be happy to meet new people

Sixth, check his social networking profile. If he has a Facebook, was it created just a few months ago or for years? Does he have mostly male friends? Real men have mostly male friends, scammers have mostly female friends and the few male friends they have are from third world countries. Also look at his photos - any real guy would be tagged in more pictures posted by others than he has posted of himself. If nobody tags him, he's fake. Does he only post pictures of himself? Or does he have pictures of random things anyone else takes pictures of? Also look at the posts on his wall. Do his male friends post things like "Go Broncos" or "Great to see you on Friday" or "You have to check out this video". Do his family members post on his page? Scammers never have anyone posting but women commenting or liking pictures he posted himself. Real guys have posts about football, music, beer, etc and have friends posting on their wall