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I choose to make friends in facebook is a marketing error message sent is required? - Printable Version

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I choose to make friends in facebook is a marketing error message sent is required? - Lý Thiên Vũ - 10-15-2012 08:17 PM

while my friends with only 5 people, it still says can not send this request: "Do you know this person? To stop using Facebook for improper purposes, this requirement can not be sent. To learn more, please visit our Help Center. If you think you see this message is in error, you can report the problem. "I do not know what the reason was blocked and for how long, people help me or guide me how to fix it, thank very much
So while my account is locked, I can click on the link you when I want to check my account had been unlocked yet

- Social - 10-15-2012 08:26 PM

Sometimes this error will come..wait for 2-3 days & then send friend request to friend. If you receive error message & after that you will send friend requests,then your account will be banned for 4 days or more than that.So wait for some time.

- Prithwish Biswas - 10-15-2012 08:26 PM

By a default error Facebook database has listed your profile as the one who sends frequent requests so considering you as a spammer. Nothing to be worried just make sure that you do not sent any more request and try to ask your friends to send your friend request. Have patience for a week at least, concentrate on getting likes for your posts or images so that you should be replaced in genuine Facebook user section as then you can send requests.