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How to hide recent activity on your facebook wall? - Printable Version

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How to hide recent activity on your facebook wall? - Slim35 - 03-31-2014 01:06 AM

I was wondering how to hide your recent activity on your facebook wall so other people can't see what you've done. For example, If I were to comment on my friends status, that would show up under recent activity and I was wondering how to hide that so it won't show up. It was hidden at one point but since facebook updated their privacy settings, it screwed it all up.

- Daniel - 03-31-2014 01:21 AM

Search for the "Delete" selection to the right of your message while you move your mouse around the activity you want to delete. Hope I Helped

- lolligirlll - 03-31-2014 01:32 AM

Well the person above me told you the complicated way.

1. you can go to your settings and click privacy settings. profile information. scroll down and look at posts by me and you can go to the right of that and edit the settings to your desire.

- summer.escape - 03-31-2014 01:47 AM

The first thing I thought when I saw my own recent activity is oh my god facebook are you kidding me? All there new privacy settings really changed around everything.

To answer your question, theres no one option like last time where you could only block your recent activity. There is a setting, however, where you can block all posts you make but that includes status updates too. This is quite lame!

Well because I have the same one too and after some research I came across an answer my facebook itself.
Can't believe they did this to ours newsfeed/wall.

Facebook's answer to your question is,

"Information about Recent Activity

Whether we display a story on your profile is now controlled by the privacy of the content itself. For example, only people who can see both your Wall, and the Wall to which you posted would be able to see a story about you writing on a friend’s Wall. If you want to remove a particular story that currently shows up, simply click the “Remove” button that appears to the right of the story after you move your mouse over it. Learn more about privacy here."

And well here is the link