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My best friend stole my guy? - Printable Version

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My best friend stole my guy? - piano smasher! - 03-31-2014 01:38 AM

So I have been pursuing this guy for a couple of weeks now. We have gone out to dinner together, to the theatre twice, and done some other fun date type stuff, but its all casual. We go to different colleges, so he took me to see his, and he came to see mine, and we met each other's friends and everything.

So this weekend, we go to a nightclub after a double date with a friend of mine and a guyfriend of hers. But her guyfriend had somewhere to be after dinner so it was just me, my friend, and this guy I like.

We get to the nightclub, and of course my friend and I are dressed up in short dresses and heels and everything. With the way she was dancing and how short her dress was, I could see she wasn't wearing any underwear. I didnt really think anything of it at the moment. She goes commando alot. But when I came back with my round of drinks and saw how she was dancing with him.... Let's just say, he was definitely aware she was going commando as well.

They live on the same line, and I was going the opposite direction, so they rode the train together to get home. I hadn't talked to him for a couple of days, but all of the sudden I log onto facebook and see that the two of them are "in a relationship".... WTF???!!?! How am I supposed to deal with this!?!?

- Luna Winter - 03-31-2014 01:39 AM

Obviously he's a jerk and she's a b!tch. Ditch them both, they're not worth your time.

- B$ - 03-31-2014 01:51 AM

Ask yourself if its worth the effort. If you truly had a connection with this guy then it seems he would honor those feelings. If you both felt the way you feel about each other then he truly is a doucher. Don't waste your time. But, if he didn't feel as strongly, then all is far in love and war. Be patient, love always fines those who aren't looking.

- Black Shadow - 03-31-2014 02:04 AM

Damn lol
We'll now that he is w her it means that he doesn't like you so you need to move on annnnd that "best friend" of yours...ughhh just let me go and slap her in the face with a brick >Sad

- Real7777 - 03-31-2014 02:07 AM

She is jerk. He is just little bit. Obviously he like her easiness.
Anyway, I would say you were lucky that he was not your bf. If you want few month, you can have sex with him probably lol.