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Can you tell me what you think of my blog? - Printable Version

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Can you tell me what you think of my blog? - Tyler - 03-31-2014 05:48 AM

I'm looking for honest opinions only. BTW I've just started so don't rag on how much content.

- Darren - 03-31-2014 05:49 AM

It's nice and simple which is a good thing. clean. Can I ask, what is your goal for this blog. Are you planning to make money from it or is it just for fun or a bit of both?

I see there is a donate button on it. Is that for you or is it something Wordpress is doing? If you are looking to build an online business and make money I can offer you a few tips here.

I wouldn't use a free blogging platform for building a business simply because these blogs can and will shut you down in an instant if for some reason someone decides to complain about something you wrote one day. You will lose all the content and traffic and be out of business.
I use free blogging platforms as a source of driving traffic to my main blogs that are monetized.

You have game reviews and technical how-to mixed together. This is fine, but it could confuse people, as to, what is your message here? Your sub header says Providing Tech Support All Day, Every Day, what type of tech support specifically?

The social network widget is good, but what I would do is have somewhere on the blog an email capture offering some sort of value free givaway or news letter, so that you can build a list with an email autoresponder.

The intro you have is interesting and I like how you state your intentions to help others which is good. I would darken the font it's a little hard to see.

Your articles should be at least 400 to 600 words. What you can do is have a few paragraphs and a video in the article if you're not in the mood to write much, this way it will give the search engines a decent amount of content to rank.

I can't figure out what your main keywords in each article are. For SEO purposes, I would research a keyword phrase that I could rank for easily and write up the article built around it.

You need a "call to action" at the end of your articles. For instance, if you are promoting a certain product to make commissions you would tell people to click a link or a banner to find out more info. If you are only using social media as a call to action, tell people to go to your Facebook page or Twitter and subscribe, follow, like etc... Also, I would encourage people to comment and offer insight in the comment boxes. People generally need to literally be told what their next action to take should be.
Also, instead of putting your email address in the contact me link, you can use a free "contact me" code
that will place the boxes for the person to fill in and this will keep your email from being spammed more than it needs to be.

Keep up the good work and good luck

- Nuha - 03-31-2014 06:02 AM

After fully review your blog I think you have not enough experience of blogging. Your blog is nice if you are just make this blog for pleasure. If you have a plan to earn money with blogging then here I have few tips for you.
1. You must need a custom domain and hosting.
2. Blog design need to be SEO friendly and well navigate.
3. Must have some informative high quality content.
4. If you can't write readable, I mean easy and interesting content then you may not get huge visitors. So, first keep eye on your content then start SEO.
5. Active on social media platform, blogging platforms and forums.

First three or six month don't think for earning just develop the blog. Once you have some visitors and a number of high quality post then apply for Adsense and enjoy blogging with money.

Thank you.