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He's not talking to me :/ I need advice (long, sorry..)? - Printable Version

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He's not talking to me :/ I need advice (long, sorry..)? - =) - 03-31-2014 07:26 AM

Well this guy and I have both known each other for over a year. We've been "dating" since we've known each other. Last semester, he had broken my trust. Things haven't been the same since. He kept contacting me over the summer, but I was trying to move on. But then in September he came back into my life asking for a relationship, but I told him not this semester.
Regardless though, we've been out on dates. Then one day we had a talk because I got mad at him, and he brought up that our communication is off. I told him it's probably b/c of what happened in the past. He said if we want to take the next step, then we need to work through the past.
But regardless, unintentionally I keep pushing him away. I would feel attached to him, and then push him away in fear that I would get hurt again. During Thanksgiving break, I kept responding back really late. When we got back, he told me to text him when I'm on my campus so we can hang out, though I told him pretty late.
3 weeks ago he was acting weird, though on Tuesday night out of nowhere he told me goodnight. But the next day was my Chem exam and he didn't text me at all, not even to say good luck, though the next morning he asked how it went and said hopefully I did well. Then for the next 2 days he would stop texting me out of nowhere though he did say he was stressed about finals and needed to catch up. And on Thursday some guy was selling tickets for a comedy show, I texted him asking if he wanted to go, but then the next day I changed my mind.. he didn't respond after.
Saturday morning, he asks to have a talk. We set up a place and time, though he backed out and asked to speak the next day. The next day comes, and he never texted me. So I texted him saying it's not ok to keep me hanging, and he said he apologizes he doesn't mean to, there's just a lot on his mind, and it wouldn't be fair to distract me with his problems especially with finals coming up. So we decided to talk it out after finals.
2 days later, I decided to ask how he's feeling. Literally one minute after I texted him, he said he was feeling better but he still needs to catch up with finals, and asked about me. I said same way, and he didn't respond back. We haven't ever since.

So yeah, that's what has been going on. We haven't talked for over 2 weeks. I even had a dance recital 1 week ago - he didn't show up. Over Thanksgiving break he told me he was going to, even wanted to make me a poster... A part of me feels as though he's distancing away from me b/c he lost feelings. Another part of me thinks I'm over-thinking - he did disappear from all of social media. The club that I'm in gave me a shout out, and his friends had liked it. And today is the last day for finals, so I know he's done.

Should I text him? Wait for him? Or just completely move on?

- AprilNay - 03-31-2014 07:35 AM

I feel like if u do have feelings for him try a little longer otberwise I truly think that you should move on and maybe just be friends. Because he seems as if he does not really care sometimes... not texting you and randomly saying stuff and ditching you shouldnt happen that often and im sure that wouldnt be good in a relationship. Ik it might be hard to move on but I think you should however do whatever u want!

- the.musician. - 03-31-2014 07:40 AM

Give it time. I was in a similar situation to where I kind of pushed this guy away and by the time I felt I was ready for a relationship he had begun to move on. I left it won't, but then just had a talk with him. He told me that he understood the reason I pushed him away, but he wanted to be there for me and help me thru my situation. I finally let my guard down, and we are now engaged and nearing our 3rd yr anniv. But being that person (im probably more in your friends shoes) on the other end I just wanted some space for a while...Needless to say, be patient. Don't rush things... You'll never know what a person is dealing with. Keep an open line of communication but don't harass him. Let him come around.