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Why are some of the most popular people not the nicest/high quality people? - Printable Version

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Why are some of the most popular people not the nicest/high quality people? - Lotus - 03-31-2014 12:56 PM

I've noticed via facebook, and life in general that some of the most popular people are not the nicest nor high quality people. For example I noticed a guy who is on my facebook and when I worked with him he was super lazy and sometimes would bad mouth others behind their backs and play two sides. He also lied about being a recovering alcoholic to gain friends. He was good looking and had money and has like a zillion friends on his facebook page. Also no one I worked with liked him except for the managers for some reason. Everyone thought he was really fake and slimy. Why are people like that so popular?

- Isa - 03-31-2014 01:07 PM

This is a huge generalization. Some "popular" ppl get that status because they are bullies and those afraid of them would rather follow than be singled out for retaliation. Others are popular because they are just themselves and ppl like them for it. Others have just mastered the art of schmoozing.

- Luv - 03-31-2014 01:18 PM

I agree. And they never seem to go through any hardships either.