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Should I delete him from Facebook? - Printable Version

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Should I delete him from Facebook? - Charlotte - 03-31-2014 02:02 PM

Hi there,

I'd like to get someone's opinion.

In September to November of last year I was dating this great guy. We had so much in common and he was always wanting to meet me of a weekend to have something to eat and to talk. He is training to be a teacher so he is extremely busy which I understand. Anyway, he invited me to his birthday party which I couldn't go, and I never said I was going and a few days before he randomly said 'it'll be awkward if you came because my ex will be there'. Firstly, we're only friends who were dating so why would that be an issue? And also it's his party so he obviously invited her (I think they still try to be friends). I didn't really question it. Anyway, since then he messaged me once at the end of November, basically apologising for being distant but he had a lot of university work which I sympathise with, he also said he will be free in the Christmas holidays to meet up. Christmas came, and nothing, He also said he's been struggling for money yet I always see status updates of a weekend of him going out.

It's kinda awkward, I don't know whether I should delete him from Facebook? It's just kinda sad as intellectually we are on the same level and enjoyed each others company, and I think it'll be douchey if I just delete him but I don't see the point in staying friends with him?

- Brenda Fleming - 03-31-2014 02:03 PM

If you see no point in being friends with this guy then yes , delete him.

- Mohammad - 03-31-2014 02:18 PM

If this friend is now irritating for you then you should stop all type of communication with him.So not only facebook avoid him everywhere.

- Lauren - 03-31-2014 02:28 PM

If there is no point in you guys being friends anymore, then yes, you should delete him.

- Grace - 03-31-2014 02:39 PM

Delete him. That is very rude. Plus he is trying to weasel his way out of getting together with you. Id also say block therefore he cannot message you.