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help,Should I delete my facebook friends? - Printable Version

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help,Should I delete my facebook friends? - salsa1009 - 03-31-2014 02:31 PM

A while ago I use to be obsessed with adding a bunch of people to make my friends list bigger and seem like a I had more friends than I actually do. I see a lot of young teenagers have over 500+ friends and some up to a 1,000. I feel like adding people who barely know is stupid. Does anyone else do this to? I'm wondering if this will benefit me. I wanted to delete my facebook, but I have friends who i can communicate through it that live very far away.

So should I just delete those people I barely shared any moments with or perhaps none at all and possibly shrink my friends list to 2 digit numbers? Will I be considered a loser? I'm 15 by the way. Please give me your opinions and thoughts! Smile Thank you.

- Ramurus - 03-31-2014 02:42 PM

they could sue you if you do.

- Brandon - 03-31-2014 02:53 PM

I would delete them, only because I myself only want people to be connected with me who truly care about me. I don't care about being "popular" although if you have a bunch of people you barely know as friends that don't give 2 cents for you does it really matter?

Keep the close friends in my opinion

- Hannah - 03-31-2014 02:56 PM

i would just leave it i know it seems silly but people would probably think you are weird if you have ten facebook friends, as long as you know them a little it doesn't really matter that you don't talk to them. Iam the same loads of people from my school that i never talk to.

- Sami - 03-31-2014 03:09 PM

Having a ton of friends is pointless. Just keep the friends you want to talk to. If you are still embarrassed about the number of friends that you will end with then just make your list of friends private so that no one knows how many friends you have.

- vicz - 03-31-2014 03:23 PM

Its better to add or retain people who are known to you or having friendship with you. It is not safe to expose your posting to wide group of people especially strangers.You ll not be considered as a loser by shrinking your list because you had taken a wise decision.

- gopi - 03-31-2014 03:29 PM

Easier way is to create facebook lists and just share your information only with the ones you need to.