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Good websites and resources for going Vegan ? - Printable Version

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Good websites and resources for going Vegan ? - David Ross - 10-15-2012 08:19 PM

I have decided to stop eating all forms of meat and using animal products in all aspects of my life where can I find some good online resources to get me going with the aspects of the Vegan lifestyle? from what I found when searching ..the results are all over the place...hopefully some experienced can send me in the right direction with .....BLOGS, websites, twitter handles, facebook, pages etc... any information would be helpful and any advice you can personal give me here would be great as well thank you. =)

- Phil - 10-15-2012 08:27 PM

first of all, it's not all that hard. For house cleaning products and personal hygiene sticking to natural, organic ones works best, or the good old vinegar or bicarb soda or even lemon juice. When buying fair trade, not all are vegan. For clothes, cotton, bamboo or hemp fibers rock and are natural and not synthetic. When it comes to cooking, cooking from scratch for a while will help you detox (that really could happen - you might feel sick for a while if you've been eating a fair bit of meat and dairy) and you can use that time to work out what's vegan and what's not. When it comes to processed foods, there are some ingredients that could come from vegan sources, or animal, so to find out, you'll need to google them or contact the manufacturer. So if there's a food you use now, look it up. It might be vegan, or it might not be.

site about veganism overall with shopping/eating out etc guides: there are links to Gary Yourofsky's lectures and Q&A sessions and other vids. Compassion Over Killing is another site with some info.

Hidden ingredients:

animal testing - 1 list: that site has more info

vegan eating out guide:

nutrition info sites and more info about vegan eating and some info about vegan living: watching the video Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death is def something I would recommend if you don't fear tofu cooking gets a lot easier and more varied

recipe site: also has a section called Vegan 101 with info

- ☮Jen D☮ - 10-15-2012 08:27 PM

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has a Vegetarian Starter Kit which should be helpful-

The easiest way to avoid animal ingredients is to avoid processed foods. Buy whole foods and cook.
The best recipe site is here:
Or if you would prefer a cookbook, the Veganomicon is the best.
Available from Amazon:

A list of animal derived ingredients can be found here:

If you're dying for some junk food, here's a huge list of candies, crackers and convenience foods that are vegan:

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has a Starter Kit which should answer any of your nutrition questions-

Lists of companies that do, and do not test on animals:

And if you're looking for a restaurant with vegan options, check here:

- ಠ_ಠ - 10-15-2012 08:27 PM

Food recipes:
1_vegweb(.)com - This is very good website, I like it so much
2_ - He is cool and makes delicious food
3_ - If you are interested in Indian food, she makes vegetarian food but it's very easy to veganize vegetarian food
6_ - Blog mostly dedicated to vegan desserts

1_ - I bought shoes from this store and I was not disappointed at all, Their shoes are good quality!

Skin care and cosmetics:
1_ - Complete list of companies that DONT test and that DO test on animals

* I live in a place where veganism is not very popular so I use Nivea, LUSH and Himalaya herbal healthcare.

Mobile Apps:
1_HappyCow - This apps is very good, it shows you the nearest vegan restauranteurs and supermarkets near you
2_VeganLife - This apps updates you with news, stories and recipes about veganism.

- EightOneFive - 10-15-2012 08:27 PM

Three of the biggest concerns when switching over to Veganism are usually Protein, Calcium, and Iron, all of which can be found readily in the vegan diet. Here are some great sites that have a bunch of info and resources/references, I use these sites at least once a week for reference and meal planning.


If you want some reading I'd suggest:
Crazy, Sexy, Diet - Kris Carr (this book is the reason my wife and I switched from Omnivore to Vegan, great resource for knowledge and recipes)
Food Revolution - John Robbins (Doesn't so much have recipes and what-not, just a good read)

Cook Books:
Veganomicon (use this at least twice a week)
Candle Cafe Cookbook

As you mentioned there are a LOT of places out there for info, but those are what my wife and I used to start out and we've used the references from those various locations to build our knowledge-base and learn what info to trust. May not be a whole lot but it's best not to be too overwhelmed and start small and learn from there.

Hope that helps somewhat...

- ❖Vegan❖ - 10-15-2012 08:27 PM

Hi =D How are you doing?

I know tons of resources! Tons!! Smile I can only list up to ten links though >o>

You can learn more about veganism at (Awesome organization that focuses on leafletting (Has "We Love Subway" campaign." (Amazing sanctuary for animals) (World's First Vegan Society) (They have some really good articles about how eating meat can't be a personal choice)

If you want a REALLY amazing speech on veganism. You must watch “The best speech you will ever hear” on youtube. I’m serious, it’s magical.

You should also join us on Veggieboards, the vegetarian forum

You can also find places to eat in your area that has vegan options by searching on

Peta's Accidentally Vegan List:

Vegan Store: