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how to talk to this girl? - Printable Version

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how to talk to this girl? - Ronald - 03-31-2014 02:43 PM

Ok, I like this girl. She's on my school and I always see her on lunch and on the hallways. I really want to talk to her. The problem is I'm way to shy to actually talk to her. And I mean extremely shy. Help !

- Samallan - 03-31-2014 02:52 PM

It's like jumping into a cold swimming pool or getting out of bed in the morning, the more you think about it, the harder it is, but when you finally do it, you think hey this isn't so bad. Just talk to her as your would anyone else, because she's no different, she's a human being like anyone else you know, and so will respond to the normal ways in which you get to know someone. Be friendly and polite and see what you have in common etc. Do it, you won't regret it, even if it goes wrong oh well, forget it, we all die one day, everything's forgotten, and hey, you'll feel more confident having taken the step before and so it'll be even easier next time. Good luck (:

- Kacie - 03-31-2014 03:04 PM

I know it sounds crazy, but you've just GOT to give it a shot. you don't have anything to lose so just go for it.

- Hitch - 03-31-2014 03:15 PM

Ok firstly,you dont wanna scare her off as being hitting on her
Muster your courage for that 30 seconds
Go up and say
"hi,I am ___, nice to meet you"
And a friendly smile and shake her hands
Then tell her what class you are in and say that she seems friendly
And maybe you guys can hang out sometime

After she says yes,you guys can hang out sometime
You act kinda like you have to go
But this time,friendly smile turns into flirty smile and just go
You dont wanna hang around her too long to make her feel like...
You just wanna get in her pants
Or that you are too aggressive and desperate

After that,try to add her on facebook(ask around)
Its the best stalking invention EVER
See what she likes on fb
She what she does,what she thinks
See what she puts for profile pic and cover pic
Coz if she puts some anime character as profile pic
You already know she is a huge fan of anime
If she puts a photo of a tourist destination,like Venice
It means that she likes to travel,she wants to go there
And also the music she hears
This is very important so when she talks
At least you know the next line and what she is talking about
Girls are more to emotionally connect than boys

This gotta be the most important part
Coz its like a recommendation letter to enrol into Harvard
If you screw this up,you have to love somebody else
Coz girls tell each other everything
They love to take and give advices on boyfriends
So,if you get the chance to go out with her and her besties
You must be clever enough to know that the center of the spotlight is not her
But her besties
So that in the future when she brings you up as a potential boyfriend in front of her friends
They dont go like:
"damn girlfriend,are you desperate?"

Also, one very lethal weapon of winning girls heart is to have chivalry!
If one day she gets insulted or bullied by the school jock in the hallway
Say thanks to God coz He has given you a chance to prove yourself!!
Save her!! Fight for her!!PROTECT HER!!
Even she doesnt give you a kiss after that
She will think about you that night:-)

P.S i dont want you reading this and say thanks just like that,I want you to tell me you do it and succeeded and only thank me later,coz I believe the real problem here is not that you dont know what to do,rather,you dont have the courage to

- Owen Corey - 03-31-2014 03:20 PM

You have to gain the confidence to talk to her. This confidence comes from within and it's not something that comes easily.