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Aquarius woman did the disappearing act, thoughts? - Printable Version

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Aquarius woman did the disappearing act, thoughts? - nfcbuttrubbed - 03-31-2014 03:10 PM

I'll make this quick as possible.

As a Scorpio I tend to stay away from Aquarius love life wise, great friends though. Our charts are compatible besides sun signs. Anywho, I met here at a football game. We instantly clicked and were huge smartazzes to each other. I got her number and we started talking. I tried to schedule a date but got bluffed on a few times. I kindly told her I thought it was best I move on. Instead of the typical "ok, cool" response, she responded with she was disappointed but she understood. That she was going through a lot and also busy with work. I talked it out with her and we continued talking with intentions to hang. For one reason or another our scheduled dates were unsuccessful. She backed it up though with legit reasons, think she new if she didn't come with it then I was gone. Now this Sat is her birthday and she invited me out. First time we were going to actually hang in two months of talking. All of sudden communication just stopped. I got one txt Sunday and then nothing. Sent one txt monday saying have a nice day, then two Tuesday with the last saying I was going to giver her space so she could handle whatever is going on. That if I didn't hear from her by her bday, I was moving on. Still haven't heard a thing. I deleted all social media to help brace for impact.

The strange part about this is I never did anything hurtful or mean. She said stuff like I was different, liked that I was real and spoke my mind. That she was really into me cause I seemed like such and awesome guy and she would kick herself if she didn't make time for me. She said she was very happy that I was sticking it out and she knew it seemed like she was playing me but she promised it wasn't and she wouldn't do that. She also loved my physique (I'm a body builder), constantly telling me I'm sexy and my body is perfect. Also said I made her smile all the time.

So why the disappearing act? She got bored? Maybe she got overwhelmed with other stuff? She doesn't have time for me but she does for Facebook :/ Whatever the answer maybe, she will regret it. This I know for sure, I am the complete package. I have looks, I have brains, I have personality and I have a sex game out of this world. I'm her first Scorpio and I've been really tempted to sting and teach her a lesson. The Phoenix strives to be a better person though so I won't stoop to that level. Cool heads prevail.

Any true answers are appreciated.
O she even sent me naughty pics, which is strange if you are not really interested in the person. Plus it gives me a lot of power too.

- Kiwi - 03-31-2014 03:20 PM

Aquarians LOVE someone who can keep it real, speak their mind, & definitely someone who is different from everyone else so when she said these things to you, I would definitely believe it. We dont typically lead people on to believe we are interested if we arent.

From my standpoint, it looks like you were smothering her a bit. I know its easier to get a response out of somebody than to be ignored, it kind of keeps you hanging on until you know whats up. We dont like to feel pressured & it sort of looks like you are doing that to her. Typical scorpio, manipulating her with an ultimatum "if I dont hear from you by your bday, i'm moving on." Take a chill pill, relax. I'm not saying sit around and wait for your phone to go off to see if its her, do your thing for the time being. If you dont hear from her by friday, i'd call her or text her, just say something like "are we still going out tomoro night?" & see what happens.

I'm an aquarius and I am also dating an aquarius. We both go thru our distant phases & it really has nothing to do with each other, its a "its not you, its me" thing, literally. She told you the truth, she is going thru some things of her own which have nothing to do with you. Instead of pushing the issue of seeing her, why not try asking her if theres anything you could do to help? Also, if you tried to sting, this would send her running for good & if you care about her even a little bit, why would you want to add more shyt to her life when she is clearly already dealing with enough?

Please respect her & do not blackmail her with those pictures she sent you. She obviously trusts you enough to send you such things.

It would also be interesting to know her moon sign (our emotions; how we react to situations) and her venus sign (how we give & receive love).

best of luck to you.

- Jason - 03-31-2014 03:32 PM

like snoopy, or she just got bored, either she got a job or a boyfriend or a kid

or she just changed her name she sounded a bit escapist maybe aquas are like that

- Char - 03-31-2014 03:41 PM

I'm an aquarius girl.
If we don't like someone and they start talking to us we don't usually respond. Simple as. We don't lead on.. Unless... If I think a guy just wants to be friends of course I will reply. It will only get complicated if he wants to be more. But if you were clear about your feelings this shouldn't be the problem.
If she's just stopped communicating I would just leave it, no matter how hard it will be. There will be a reason and knowing aquarius women like I do, if she's interested still she will come back in her own way.

- Boss - 03-31-2014 03:47 PM

Aquarius are hurtful.