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I forgot my password and other details of Google account? - Printable Version

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I forgot my password and other details of Google account? - sab_7222 - 03-31-2014 03:29 PM

I have a Google account which I made 4-5 years before and then I create my Facebook account. But now I forget all my details and password of Google account....
I want to open my account what should I do now?
Can anybody provide me a link to contact Google for help?

Or should I hack the account???
Help me out. I want to log in to that account soon
It's very important.

- Don - 03-31-2014 03:31 PM

If you remember it's e-mail and the e-mail attached to it or it's security question, you can always click the part which says you forgot your password and it'll send a reset e-mail to the one attached or you can answer the security questions.