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Why do I feel relieved about my ex possibly cheating on me? - Printable Version

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Why do I feel relieved about my ex possibly cheating on me? - 398 - 03-31-2014 05:36 PM

Am I wrong for feeling this way?
he has betrayed me way too many times and i know it seems irrational to be mad about something that happened a year and one month ago but he's done this before.
when we were dating at first,he told me that he broke up with his ex months before he met me(and i believed him)
then he later told me it was a week.
he kept in contact with her and also told me that he had plans to go to prom with her before he met me(but of course i wasn't comfortable with that,so he told me he would not go!)
and i believed that he didn't go and i was happy...i deleted my facebook a while ago ,but i just reactivated it and saw the photos of him with her at prom.the prom was a year ago. the way he's looking at her in the photos are inappropriate and it looks as if they were still dating.

keep in mind my boyfriend graduated already. she was in a year below him(attending the same school),so that is why there was a prom.
he was in college already and so am I.
i also caught him flirting with another girl,awhile ago in his facebook inbox(he accidentally left it open)
and went to his supposed "friends" house .everyone knows she's a hoe.
i just feel like he doesn't care about me,just him,it feels as if this is the last straw.i feel betrayed and walked all i wrong for feeling this way ?

he said sorry and that he's ashamed and that he wasn't ready for a relationship at the time and still isn't ,and that he doesnt want to hurt me any longer so he's going to try his best to stay out of my life .and now his facebook,twitter and instagram are all gone ,what does this mean?
the photos from prom on his ex's page are gone too
i didnt want to be with him anymore and was just looking for something to get out anyway so im kind of glad this happened Sad am i wrong?

- ESPgirl77 - 03-31-2014 05:46 PM

I think you're relieved to know that you were right. I also think you should rely on your gut-feelings more. A relationship should be healthy without lies and deceit. In your next relationship, you should make a guy work harder for you. Be good to yourself.....

- Josephine - 03-31-2014 05:54 PM

Of course you're not wrong. Anyone would be relieved to see the end of a toxic, unhealthy relationship in which there was no trust. It takes a lot of energy to worry so much over the state of a relationship. Even people who are getting divorced - have maybe even lost everything to the other spouse (like I did) can feel relief at a bad relationship ending.

When there's nothing to mourn then there's nothing to mourn, you know?

Best thing to do now is take some time for yourself, shake off any leftover hurt feelings, and never speak to this rat again. He will definitely be back, and you should definitely just ignore him. He may have said he felt bad for hurting you but he still did it, didn't he? So good riddance - hell, have a party!